[Drabble] Director’s Pet

Jan 29, 2010 07:13

TITLE: Director’s Pet
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: Gen, General, Humor
SUMMARY: Jethro meets 'Jimmy' for the first time ... Written for challenge #069 "Interruptions" at ncisdrabble100 and prompt #46 for madame_director. Sequel to The two Jimmys - but can stand alone
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


"Easy, Jethro!" Jenny warned him, as Jethro barged into her office, us usual without knocking. "You scare Jimmy."
"Jimmy?" Jethro looked around in the empty office. "What are you talking about? There’s no one here - except for you and me."
"And Jimmy," Jenny said, pointing at the fishbowl on her corner of her desk.
Jethro, noticing the fish for the first time, stepped forward to get a better look at 'Jimmy' - twice the size of what he’d been only four month ago - who was sharing his fishbowl with ... a coffin?!?
"You have a fish?" Jethro asked, confused.
"As you can see ... Your team gave it to me; for surviving my first year as director."
"How did you manage to keep it alive?" Jethro asked, ignoring the hidden accusation that he never congratulated her on her anniversary.
"I can take care of a fish."
"Says the one who forgets to eat or sleep at least once a week," Jethro countered, smirking.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Agent Gibbs?" Jenny asked, trying to change the subject.
"I’m looking for DiNozzo," Jethro replied. "Ziva told me he went to see you."
"He went home."
"He ... what?"
"He looked sick."
"And you send him home? Are you a doctor now?"
"He wasn’t feeling good."
"But you are not a doctor."
"No, I have a fish."
"That doesn’t qualify you to ... Jen, you can’t ..." Giving her is famous stare, Jethro bend forward, and Jenny was sure that if Ducky hadn’t called at that very moment, he may have also head-slapped her for the first time instead of answering the call.
"I’m on my way, Duck," Jethro said. He was already at the door, when he turned back to Jenny.
"Get that fish a partner, Jen," he said. "He shouldn’t be alone."

- The End -

fandom: ncis, community: madame_director, ncis: jenny shepard, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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