[Drabble] The two Jimmys

Jan 28, 2010 06:53

TITLE: The two Jimmys
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jimmy Palmer
GENRE: Gen, General, Humor
SUMMARY: One morning Jenny gets a surprise visit and an even more surprising present ... Written for challenge #172 "Jimmy Palmer" at ncisdrabble100 and prompt #12&59 for madame_director.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different. The idea was shamelessly stolen from "The West Wing". I hope Danny (and CJ) will forgive me for using it ...


It was not even 7 am when someone knocked on Jenny’s door.
"Come in," she shouted, curious who the early visitor was, but her curiosity soon changed into surprise when Jimmy Palmer opened the door, slowly and nervous as he always was around her.
"Mr. Palmer. What a surprise. How can I help you?"
"Good morning, Miss ... director," Jimmy stuttered, stepping inside, and Jenny was surprised to see the fishbowl in his hand.
"Did something happen?" she asked, walking over to him.
"What ...? No. Nothing happened. It’s just… congratulations, director. For ... surviving your first year." He grinned shyly. "That’s what Tony said. He… the team is working a crime scene, but this is from all of us. It was Abby’s idea and… Dr. Mallard said you like goldfishes."
"Oh, that’s ... very sweet. Thank you." Jenny took the glass from him, without making clear that Ducky must’ve talked about the salty fishes that came in a bag. "I hope I won’t kill this little guy."
"When I was a kid, I used to burry our pets under the porch. Until my mom found out and… Never mind."
"It’s been a while that I had a pet. What’s his name?"
"I ... don’t know, ma’am. He hasn’t one, yet."
"Mind if I call him Jimmy?"
Jimmy blushed. "That would be… great. Thank you."
"No, thank you, Jimmy. And please tell the others that I’ll try to take good care of him."
"I will, director," Jimmy promised. "Have a nice day."
"You, too, Jimmy." Jenny watched him almost stumbling over his own feed when he opened the door.
"I… I’m fine."
Hiding her smile, Jenny nodded and turned her attention back to the fish.
"You’re named after a sweet guy," she told him. "He’s a bit nervous but cute. Almost as cute as you are ..."

- The End -

fandom: ncis, community: madame_director, ncis: jimmy palmer, ncis: jenny shepard, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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