Game of Thrones.....

Apr 14, 2013 23:39

honestly now, i feel like a broken record here but....ENOUGH WITH THE RANDOM NAKED WOMEN WHO SERVE NO POINT TO THE GODDAMN PLOT OR EPISODE!

what was that scene with Pod?? we all know i haven't read many of the books, i'm actually on the second book now, and i don't want to be too spoiled(altho someone already did that for Red Wedding...thank you very much asshole) but.....are his scenes like...THAT important to the story?? does the fact that he's apparently this wonderful woman pleaser have an actual purpose to what's going to happen later on in the story?

because at this point i really feel like they're substituting important scenes for an 8 minute scene where they can throw naked women around for no good reason other than to please the men watching the show. god forbid you throw us women a bone and give us a naked Robb Stark or something for a few minutes.

and also, you mean to tell me that they're in a goddamn whorehouse and there are NO naked men ANYWHERE to be found?? can't even throw us a bone?

and idk if they were trying to make up for it with showing Theon's ass but....i wanted to see a naked dude....not something resolving from a near rape. thanks but no thanks.

Jamie's hand being cut off in the end was kind of amusing, ngl. i love how he didn't even respond for a few seconds, then started screaming. that does kind of suck tho. at least he tried helping out Brianne.

tv shows, game of thrones

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