Title: Evergreen Tree
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G
Characters: Yesung, Siwon
Pairing: Yewon
Disclaimer: I just own the story
Summary: Their evergreen tree was just as everlasting as their love.
Oh darling would our love be like an evergreen tree
"Why?" the smaller boy asked the taller one.
"Why do we have to plant this tree? Shouldn't we have an apple tree instead? I love apples."
The taller boy simply smiled.
"I really love oaks," he answered.
Because it's evergreen, like what our love will be.
Looked at the face of the smaller boy softly, he handed a small spade to the boy's small hands.
Stay evergreen and young as the seasons go
"Our oak tree is just as beautiful as what we'd always imagine."
The taller man ruffled the smaller man's hair softly.
He smelled the scent of vanilla.
"It's winter now, and our tree is the only one green here."
The smaller man rested his head on his shoulder.
Your kisses could make love grow like an evergreen tree
Under the oak tree, the vows exchanged.
Smiles spread, beautiful faces of happy relatives.
And a sweet, soft kiss was made.
The world was all rainbows and butterflies.
Bloom in the summer sun and the winter snow
As the laughter shared, as the tears wiped, through thick and thin.
There had never any lies been told.
In the summer sun, and the winter snow, and the passed years.
Both never needed anyone else but the other.
On every branch will blossom dreams for me and you
Every wish accomplished.
Every dreams they once had, every dreams they once shared.
Through the hardworks and supportive friendship.
"Thank you, for fulfilling all my dreams. Even my weirdest ones."
"I thank God He gave me you."
Our tree of love will stay evergreen if our heart still be true
The two men cuddling under the oak tree.
"This tree, is our tree. Do you remember how we planted it together?"
"This tree is our tree. Our tree of love."
The taller man answered, as a kiss shared.
Darling, I love you so
"I don’t need you to say it anymore. It has been fifty years since you first told me that."
The taller chuckled.
He smiled at how white their hairs was just now.
"You don't have to say it. It's your eyes that always told me every time."
Don't you know that I'll be true till the leaves turn blue on the evergreen tree
"Why God coloured trees with green? Why couldn't the colours be… blue?"
The taller had always surprised to the random questions.
He chuckled, beautiful old dimples showed between wrinkles.
"Because green is the colour of loyalty."
"Just like ours?"
On the evergreen tree, on the evergreen tree
A/N: I can't believe how crappy this fic becomes… Fluff and romances aren't my things, really >,<
But this song is my favourite forever =)