Bah, I still think I was too OOC at the end there. But good stuff! Now we kinda have the air cleared, but there's room for more misunderstandings on the shopping trip. I hadn't realized I was such an angstwhore. Yuuta should write emo poetry. *pokes him*
YUM! ANGSTING! THREESOME! VIOLENCE!! <3 Even the almost-violence was HOTTTTTT. You're hitting all my kinks. *___* Except now someone needs to crossdress.
I THINK WE SHOULD ROPE NIOU IN RIGHT HERE AND HE SNEAKS INTO SCHOOLS AND DOES TRICKSY THINGS LIKE STEAL UNIFORMS OUT OF OUR LOCKERS AND HE LEAVES HOT LITTE WOMAN OUTFITS FOR US INSTEAD. he's in a co-ed tennis tournament thing, right? he could wreak havoc THERE too and leave the boy's uniforms around. OR SOMETHING. (y) mmm flash them pink boxers, gakuto.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D *CHA CHAS* IS THIS THE HAPPY LOG? <---placemarker for thoughts. now off to read 8D
ALRIGHT BACK. SO, THE WORLD? IT IS GOOD AND SHINY NOW. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D AWESOMEZ ;_______________; <3
*is humped over his laptop, refreshing Yuuta's page* ...that dorky emobutt :D :D :D :D :D
at first i was all YAY MIZUKI SHOW AKAZAWA WHOZZZA MAN, and then TEARY YUUTA ;________; and then AWKWARD HUG *____________* and then NOT QUITE A PUNCH :D :D :D :D (i seekritly feel cheated. punching is manly stuff (y) but this was way cute 8D) and then CREPES. okay, life is good. it's a good morning already *_________________* warm squishy fuzzy-type things in my tummy :D :D :D
Comments 14
ALRIGHT BACK. SO, THE WORLD? IT IS GOOD AND SHINY NOW. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D AWESOMEZ ;_______________; <3
*is humped over his laptop, refreshing Yuuta's page* ...that dorky emobutt :D :D :D :D :D
at first i was all YAY MIZUKI SHOW AKAZAWA WHOZZZA MAN, and then TEARY YUUTA ;________; and then AWKWARD HUG *____________* and then NOT QUITE A PUNCH :D :D :D :D (i seekritly feel cheated. punching is manly stuff (y) but this was way cute 8D) and then CREPES. okay, life is good. it's a good morning already *_________________* warm squishy fuzzy-type things in my tummy :D :D :D
...I think Chitose might have slipped in there at the end though! XDD
I'd never say no to a Chitose cameo (y) 8D 8D
The school-boy angst is still so heartbreaking ;mmmm; Yuuuuuuta-kun! I love you too <3333333 ;mmmmmmm;
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