*New and Improved!*
We reserve the right to further clarify rules as needed and may update the FAQs from time to time.
Since FAQs can be updated and changed, we advise participants to read through them each year.
LAST UPDATED: 03/24/2024
(just some clean-up and clarification)
We have had some feedback about the small print on this page, but have had no success in being able to change it. However, you can hold down your crtl button and the + sign, to enlarge the print. The crtl button and the - sign will make the size smaller. Or you can change the Zoom percentage on your browser.
Q: How do I reach the mod?
A: Send all rough drafts to ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com. Please be sure to check the submission rules to make sure you are using the correct subject line and emailing all of the the requested information.
If you are communicating for any other reason, you may reach out to me at ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com or jacieleigh (at) gmail (dot) com. Please note, I generally only watch the challenge email around challenge submission dates. If you do not receive a response from me after a day or two, please use my personal email. Please always send any urgent requests to my personal email. If I do not respond in a few days, please reach out to co-mod
rose_malmaison. She usually knows when I am out of town for a few days, and may be able to help in my absence.
Q: What information should I include in my email?
A: *If you are sending in your rough draft, you must include your story title and your LJ name in the subject line. Please be sure to check the submission rules to make sure you are using the correct subject line and emailing all of the requested information. If you are emailing about the challenge after the art claims, please put your story's number, plus the title and your LJ name in the subject line.
*If your story is not yet titled, please use *Untitled* in place of a title in the subject line.
*If you are not participating in a challenge or you have a general question, not related to a specific story or author, you do not need to include anything specific, but please be sure to note what challenge you are asking about as I run multiple challenges.
Q: Why did I get a missed deadline notification? I'm sure I sent in my rough draft on time.
A: Please check your email subject line. If you did not include your LJ name in the subject line, I may have thought it was sent by someone else. Putting your LJ name in the subject line ensures the story will be marked under your name, and that it can be easily found. Also, please double check that you sent the rough draft to: ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com
Q:How often should I communicate with my partner?
A: Artists and Authors should reach out to their partner after the match-ups are posted. Authors should send a rough draft to the Artist. It is perfectly fine to ask if the Artist would prefer to wait until the draft has been beta'd, and what date the beta'd version will be available. After that, it is up to the pair to decide how often they will communicate and how closely they will work together. Please be sure to stay in communication with your partner, especially if you are running late, or if you have to drop out of the challenge.
*Artists should always respond to Authors to confirm they have received the rough draft.
*Authors should always respond to Artist to confirm they have received the artwork.
Q:I reached out to my partner, but I haven't heard back, What now?
A: It is always important to establish communication early, and let your partner know the best way to reach you. If your partner has not responded to your email in one week, you may also try to PM. You may also feel free to email the mod.
Q: What is a Big Bang Challenge?
A: Big Bangs are generally challenges for longer stories, however, the minimum word count may vary from challenge to challenge. Weeks into the challenge authors offer up brief summaries which are posted anonymously for artists to claim. At the end of the challenge, there will be new stories and art to enjoy!
Q: What is the minimum word count for the NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang?
A: We now consider this a Big Bang/Multi-Bang Challenge. Authors sign up for the challenge and may post their story as long as it hits a minimum of 5K. At no time do you need to declare what level you are shooting for, however, you may set your own goals, publicly or privately.
Micro Bang = 5K
Mini Bang = 10K
Big Bang = 20K
Super Bang = 50K
Extreme Bang = 100K
Mega Bang = 200K
Colossal Bang = 500K
How many stories may I post to the NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang Challenge?
A: Authors may post one Micro-Bang story and up to three stories total per year for this challenge.
Q: When can I sign up for the challenge?
A: Watch for sign-ups to open in April. Author sign-ups generally close in early June, while Artist sign-ups close in August the day before the art claim.
Q: Will the Big Bang and Reverse Bang run concurrently?
A: No. Although the Big Bang and the Reverse Bang will both run from this community, they will run at different times. The plans are: Spring sign-ups with posting in October for the Big Bang and Fall/Winter sign-ups with posting in May for the Reverse Bang.
Q: What are my responsibilities as a participant?
As a participant, you are expected to:
- Follow and adhere to challenge schedule
- Be sure to follow proper rules for submissions, including subject lines
- Provide an active email address where you can be reached
- Stay in contact with your assigned partner and notify them if you will be unreachable for more than 5 days
- Confirm to the sender when you have received story/artwork from your partner
- Request an extension from Mod if you expect to miss a deadline
- Notify Mod and your partner if you are running late, or dropping out of the challenge
- Respond to emails from Mod concerning your status, missed deadlines, etc.
- Confirm that you have posting access prior to your scheduled posting date
- Post only on your scheduled posting date
What is the best way to contact the mod?
A: You may comment to a post at this community, and I will get an alert, or you may email me. If you are sending in a rough draft, artwork or notification that you are running late, or dropping out of a challenge, you may email ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com. Please note, I generally only monitor this email address around challenge deadlines. If you have general questions at other times, you may contact me at jacieleigh (at) gmail (dot) com. I don't really mind if you send to both, but if it is challenge related (rough drafts and artwork) they may get lost if only sent to my personal email, so those must be sent to the challenge email.
Q: Can my story be part of a series or something I’ve already started?
A: Yes. Ideally, it would be best to have a stand-alone story and written within the challenge dates, however, as long as your challenge story can be read as a stand-alone (not requiring one to read the rest of the series for it to make sense) and as long as no part of this story has been posted elsewhere, it is acceptable.
Q: Can I post a WIP?
A: No. All challenge stories must be marked complete when they are posted. Challenge stories may be edited after they're posted, but cannot be extended/added to. If you want to continue your story, it must be posted as a separate, new story. If you would like to write a sequel or prequel it must be posted after the challenge has been completed and all challenge stories have been posted.
Q: Are crossovers allowed?
A: Absolutely, as long as your lead character is from the original NCIS series and has appeared in at least 10 episodes. Keep in mind this is an NCIS challenge, so NCIS should be the primary fandom in your story/artwork if you choose to do a crossover.
Note: Other NCIS franchises are considered crossovers.
Q: Can the stories be based on the actors?
A: No. This is a fan fiction challenge based on the characters of NCIS. Stories must be based on the NCIS characters, not the actors who portray them.
Q: What characters can I use in my story?
A: One of your characters must be a regular NCIS character and must have appeared in a minimum of 10 episodes. You may pair the NCIS regular with an original, cross-over or any NCIS character. As long as one of your main characters is a NCIS regular, you may use as many or as few other NCIS characters as you would like. Keep in mind, though, this is a NCIS challenge and most readers will want to read stories that include NCIS characters.
Q: Are there any restrictions on category, genre, pairings, ratings or type of story?
A: No. You may write whatever you would like. You will be asked to choose a category (het, gen or slash), note your pairings (if any) and ratings.
Q: Do I need to have a beta read my story?
A: Not for the rough draft submission, but it absolutely must be beta-read before the posting date. If you don’t normally use a beta, watch the
ncis_discuss community for our beta post. You may also check with your artist. Some artists are happy to serve as your beta since they’re reading through your story anyway. If you are unable to locate a beta through the community, please notify the mods and we will do what we can to help.
Q: Can I submit more than one Big Bang Story?
A: Yes! You may post one Micro bang story per year, and up to three stories total per year. We do ask that you not submit stories to the artist claim unless you are certain you will complete the story in time to post as it's not really fair to the Artist to create art for a story that isn't posted.
Q: Does my story need to be completed by the rough draft due date?
A: Ideally, your story should be completed in rough draft (pre-beta) form. Your story should be at the point where it needs some polishing and perhaps a little tweaking here and there. With that said, we will allow you to submit a rough draft as long as you are sure you are at least 80% finished with full intent of completing the story in time to post. If you submit a rough draft AFTER the deadline, it should be a completed story, but can still be in the rough draft (not beta'd) stage.
Q: Where do I send my rough draft?
A: Watch for a post a week or two before the due date. That post will include instructions for submitting your rough draft. Please follow the instructions and include all requested information.
Q: What if I'm running late?
A: Please email the mod and request an extension ONLY if you are 100% positive you can complete your story in time to post in October. It is your responsibility to follow the challenge schedule and to notify the mod, and your partner, if you're running late or dropping out of the challenge. If you submit a rough draft AFTER the deadline, it should be a completed story, but can still be in the rough draft (not beta'd) stage. If we do not receive your rough draft and the requested submission information, you will not be added to the posting schedule.
Q: Are the challenge schedule dates carved in stone?
A: We do our best to follow the posted schedule. However, different occurrences may determine that a change must be made. For instance, if no one is available to post on week one of the posting schedule, we will adjust the posting date back rather than schedule someone who cannot post that day. The final schedule will be determined by the number of stories completed and the posting availability of the participants.
Q: I thought I was available, but something came up on my posting date at the last minute. What do I do?
A: Remember that you are part of an Artist/Author team and either member may make the Master Post. See if your partner can make the initial post. If neither of you are available to post on your scheduled date, please notify
solariana ASAP, prior to your posting date.
Q: If I miss my scheduled posting date, can I post later?
solariana ASAP. Do NOT post on a different date without permission. If you notify me PRIOR to your scheduled posting date, I will consider giving you a different date. If you do not notify me prior to your scheduled posting date, you will not be allowed to make a master post to the community, however, your story and accompanying art work may be linked in the master list at the discretion of the mod. Please remember that the artist, or your beta, may also make the master post to the community on your scheduled posting date.
If you're getting toward the end of your scheduled posting date and are not quite ready, go ahead and make your master post to the community and note that your story will be linked soon. That way, your master post will have the correct posting date and you won't be posting on someone else's day. Please note, if you do not link your story in a timely fashion (within 24 hours), we reserve the right to remove your post. It is always best to stay in communication with
solariana and advise your status.
Q: What if there are certain days around the posting time that I will not be available to post?
A: We will make a post prior to putting the schedule together asking what dates you’re not available to post. Please limit these dates to days that you will not have internet access (due to medical reasons, vacations, travel, long work days, etc.). Also keep in mind that either member of an Artist/Author team can make the post. The fewer *I can’t post* dates we get, the easier it is to schedule without having to delay the go live date.
*NOTE: Schedule preference will be given to those who submit their rough drafts and availability preferences on time. As a mod, my least favorite thing to do is to have to send out "missed deadline" and "your partner hasn't heard from you* emails. If you're going to be late, please be sure to contact me and let me know your status ASAP.
Q: I signed up for the challenge, but I'm not on the posting schedule. Why?
A: If you do not submit a rough draft, you will not be listed on the posting schedule. Unless I hear otherwise from a participant, I will assume they have dropped out of the challenge, if a rough draft was not received by the deadline. If you submitted a rough draft, but it did not meet the minimum WC (word count) for the challenge, you may be left off of the posting schedule until you submit a draft that meets the minimum WC. Contact the mod ASAP to discuss. By signing up for the challenge, you are responsible to follow the schedule, which includes sending in a rough draft that meets the challenge requirements.
*Note: It is up to Mod's discretion whether or not participants who missed the deadline will be added to the schedule. If you are not on the schedule, please email Mod to discuss.
Q: Will there be mandatory check ins?
A: Check-ins are not mandatory. However, there's nothing worse than a participant who does not communicate, so you are encouraged to comment on the check-in posts to let us know you're still around.
Q: What happens if an Artist doesn't claim my Big Bang story?
As much as we hope every story will be claimed for art, typically, there are more stories than Artists. If your story is not claimed by an Artist you may create your own art or post your story without art.
Q: Where should I post my Big Bang/Multi-Bang story?
A: You may post it to your own site of your preference (do not post the actual story to the community, only links). AO3 is the most popular choice. You may post and link the story to more than one site (i.e. both AO3 and LJ). Keep in mind that your post cannot be locked and if your comments are set to block anonymous commenters, you may be blocking someone who wants to comment, but doesn’t have an account where you have chosen to post. Do not post your story/art anywhere until your scheduled posting date. (Yes, you can make a PRIVATE locked post to make sure everything is correct and ready to go, but do not unlock the post until your posting date.)
Q: Where should I post my Big Bang/Multi-Bang art?
A: Like the Authors, Artists may post to their own site of their preference where the author may link to it. Or they may send the art to the author to post with the story. Do not post the art anywhere until your scheduled date (unless PRIVATE locked). Art may be posted with the master link with the story link, but must either be thumbnail size, no larger than 3" x 5", or behind a cut.
Q: My story is posted in several chapters. Should I link each chapter to the community post?
A: The Master Post can include all chapter links, plus a link to the artwork, provided there is a separate link (it’s fine to post art with the story). The minimum would be to post the link to the main page of the story.
Q: If I'm posting over two days, does my story need to be marked complete?
A: All challenge stories must be marked complete when they are posted. When you post your first chapter, it should be marked as a complete story. This is to ensure readers that challenge stories are complete.
Q: Who should make the Master Post to the community, the Author or the Artist?
A: Traditionally, it is the Author who posts, but either team member may submit the Master Post. If the Author cannot make the post, they may ask their Artist, Beta or another Proxy to make the Master Post on their scheduled day. The Artist may also make a separate Master Post on the scheduled day which may include the art, and also a link to the story. Art posted on the master link must either be thumbnail size, no larger than 3" x 5", or behind a cut. The Artist post is optional, if the Author has created a Master Post.
Q: Who will have posting access?
A: Everyone listed on the Challenge posting schedule will be given access. Participants will need to join (rather than *watch*) the community to be given posting access***. Please note, in this community, you should only post links to your story/artwork on your scheduled posting day. If you would like to start any other related posts, such as questions, comments, teasers, etc, please do so at < LJ user="ncis_discuss">.
***I have to manually give members posting access - as it is not all members, but only those participating in the current challenge. However, I can only give posting access to actual members (not those just joined only. I am also sometimes away from internet access up to 12 hours a day, so please be sure you have posting access prior to your scheduled posting date (you can check this on our profile page).***
Q: How do I contact my partner?
A: Go to the match-up post and follow the link back to the Author or Artist sign-ups. All participants should have entered an email where they may be contacted. Please be sure to make contact early and stay in touch.
Once a summary has been claimed, Authors are welcome to reach out to the Artist(s) who claimed their work. While they do not have to wait until the official match-up post is up, participants should not make it publicly known who the authors are until the match-up post is live.
Q: How much contact/communication is required between partners?
A: Authors must send their rough draft, or completed story to the Artist ASAP after match-ups are posted. Authors may send a "test" email requesting the Artist to verify they have the correct email address prior to sending a draft. If Author is still working on the story, they may ask if Artist prefers the rough draft, or would like to wait for the completed story. Artists should respond to Author to notify them that the rough draft or story file has been received. Likewise, when Artist sends artwork to the Author, Author should respond to Artist that the artwork has been received. Please be sure to let your partner know if you may be unreachable for a time. You do not need to supply details, just dates that you may not be reachable, so your partner doesn't panic when you don't respond to emails.
Q: How much collaboration should there be between Author and Artist?
A: It is up to you. We ask that you be respectful of the other, and respond to communications in a timely manner. One person does not need to approve the other’s work, but if you want to work together to bounce ideas around, that is perfectly fine. It is also acceptable to work alone. Do not pressure your partner to collaborate if they prefer not to.
Q: What is the due date for the Artist to have their work to the Author?
A: The due date for completed artwork is 30 September. Many Artists will send it early to ensure their Author is happy with the work and to allow time for minor changes. This will eliminate issues of last minute computer crashes or emergencies, giving the Author time to upload, review and get ready to post the artwork and catch any mistakes in the spelling of the story title or Author name, etc. If the Artist fails to send the artwork to the Author by the due date, Author must make an attempt to reach Artist. If Artist fails to send artwork to the Author within 5 days of the scheduled posting date, Author may engage a second Artist to create artwork. If a second artist is engaged, that is the art that must be used for the challenge. Again communication is the key. If you are going to be late, email your partner (and the mod) to let them know.
Q: What if my other team member drops out?
A: We ask that Authors not submit a rough draft for the Big Bang artist claim unless they are 100% certain that they will be ready in time to post for the challenge, but there are times that things come up in RL. Be sure you make initial contact right away, either by PM or email. The earlier you get together, the better. If you do not hear from your partner within a week, try again via email. If there is still no response, please notify one of the mods and we will try for you. If your partner has dropped off the face of the earth and fails to respond, as a Big Bang Author, you may do your own art or see if you can find someone else to do art for you. If you are the Artist, you may still post your art without story links.
Q: Is every Big Bang story guaranteed to get art?
A: Sadly, we cannot promise that as there tends to be more Authors than Artists in the fandom. We will allow Artists to claim additional stories if any are unclaimed after set time (usually 1-2 days). The mods will do their best to ensure every story submitted by the first rough draft date has artwork. Once all signed up Artists have had the opportunity to make their claims, we will offer unclaimed stories to Artists who did not sign up.
Q: I do both art and write. Can I provide my own artwork for the Big Bang challenge?
A: Yes. You may either note when you submit your rough draft that you will provide your own artwork and would like to opt out of the artist claim or you may have your summary included in the artist claim and claim the story yourself. However, if someone else claims your story, you should use their artwork only.
Q: What qualifies as art? (Part 1), Are there any limitations?
A: Most artists at least provide cover art or a banner, but you are not limited to that. Art may be photoshop, illustrations, videos, etc. You should produce at least one piece of art that can be posted with or linked to from the story. You may certainly produce as much art as you would like. If you want to portray a scene from each chapter, favorite scenes, chapter headings, icons, wallpapers, create multiple banners, etc., you are more than welcome to do so. You may submit all or allow the Author to choose (and they may choose ALL!). Your art should be based on the fiction it is representing and must include at least one NCIS character (from the original NCIS series).
Q: What qualifies as art? (Part 2)
A: Art definition:
The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
The art you submit must be created by you. You may not submit someone else's artwork. Untouched or cropped downloaded photos are not acceptable submissions for art. Simply adding text to an otherwise untouched or cropped downloaded photo is also not acceptable. You must artistically alter the photo beyond adding text and cropping. Moderators may disqualify art or may ask to see the originals that you worked from to determine whether your submission is acceptable or not. If you are asked to supply originals and fail to do so, you may be banned from future challenges. Creating a collage is acceptable.
Q: How does the Big Bang Artist Claim work?
A: The Art Claims are held at our LJ community. When Authors submit their rough draft, they are required to include a summary along with other key features (i.e. category, rating, warnings, etc). A post will be made including the summaries submitted. Authors’ names will not be included. Usually the Artists will have at least 24 hours to review the summaries before the claims go live. Once the claim is live, the stories are available on a first come, first serve basis. Artists are allowed to post their 1st and 2nd choices (or more). In the event that someone else’s post beats them in on their 1st choice, an Artist will be given their 2nd choice (if not yet claimed). If there are unclaimed stories after a set time (usually 1-2 days), artists will be allowed to claim an additional story or stories. They are asked not to claim more stories than they will be able to complete art for. If there are still unclaimed summaries, they may be offered to Artists who did not sign up for the challenge.
Q: I am signed up as an Artist, but will be unavailable the first day of the Big Bang Artist Claim. What should I do?
A: You are allowed to have someone claim for you. Please make certain your proxy notes who they are claiming the story for. You are not required to tell us if you are using a proxy. As there are usually more stories than artists, all stories may not be claimed on the first day. Also, if there are additional stories finished by a later date and enough artists interested, we may run a second artist claim.
Q: I'm running late, can I have an extension?
A: Please do your best to follow the posted schedule and deadlines. If you find you're running late, please notify both the mod and your partner ASAP. As a mod, my least favorite thing to do is to have to send out "missed deadline" and "your partner hasn't heard from you* emails. If you're going to be late, please be sure to contact me, and your partner, to advise your status ASAP.
Q: What if I have to drop out?
A: Basically, communication is key. If you drop out before making a claim or offering a story/artwork for claims, there is no penalty. If you drop out after you have been matched up with someone, it depends on your timing and your communication. See below.
-Just to clarify, you MUST contact the mod if you are dropping out after you made a claim, or if your summary was claimed. Without notification to the Mod, you are considered "MIA", which will result in you being banned from future challenges.
- If an Author drops out of the Big Bang before an Artist claims their story (or does not submit a rough draft for the artist claim), there is no penalty.
- If an Author drops out of the Big Bang after an artist has claimed their story, the Author will be banned from future Big Bang art claims, but are welcome to create their own art or post stories without art in future Big Bang challenges.
- If an Artist claims a story and does not create artwork, they will be banned from future Big Bang challenges. If we do not hear from the Artist, and Author does not receive art by the specified due date, Artist will lose the right to their art claim. Author can then choose to wait for the Artist, may post without art, or ask another Artist to step in. If the original Artist misses the due date and Author asks to have another Artist take the story, they must use the art from the second Artist art whether the original Artist comes through or not.
- If an Author repeatedly turns in rough drafts, is on the schedule, but fails to post a story, the Mod may choose to ban the Author from one or more future challenges, at the Mod's discretion.
Submitting someone else's story or artwork as your own is not acceptable. It is plagiarism (the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own). Fandom people are usually quick to spot plagiarism of artwork and stories. Many fanfic artists and authors work in multiple fandoms. Please be sure that anything you submit is your own work. If you submit work that someone else can prove is plagiarized, you will be banned from future challenges at the discretion of the mod.
Q: I have a question and I do not see the answer above. Who can help?
A: Please feel free to post to this thread or you may email me at jacieleigh (at) gmail (dot) com. I run multiple challenges so please be sure to clarify which challenge you're asking about.
We reserve the right to further clarify rules as needed and may update the FAQs from time to time.