There's Something About Nora

Apr 04, 2013 22:35

First things first, I'm not a huge fan of Nora. I like the actress and I don't hate the character, but Nora never connected with me for a variety of reasons. Mostly I thought they short-cut too much with the character, I was told everything so I felt I never got to get to know her. There's other stuff, but that's not what this is about; I just ( Read more... )

(c): nora clayton, (!): daniella alonso

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Comments 10

gizzi1213 April 5 2013, 17:02:58 UTC
I liked Nora when she was first introduced, especially her interactions with Charlie. I thought she could be a strong female role model for Charlie, a surrogate older sister ( ... )


corycides April 5 2013, 19:29:54 UTC
I thought that scene in the library with Miles was brutal, and I don't think it worked in the way they wanted. I didn't go, 'Ah, but you have badass Nora, Miles!'. I just thought he was horrible and dismissive, and Nora was a bit dishwatery since she doesn't thump his elbow and go 'oy, git'.

And Nora wasn't cheerleading Miles, she was fangirling him? It was all 'yay! Miles!' I think they are trying to contrast her with Rachel - who isn't unthinkingly on Miles side - but Miles isn't someone who can be automatically trusted. If we accept that the militia is evil and so was he for a while, then his judgement is questionable and Rachel has a point.

It's a shame, she could have a lot of potential but it feels like they tried to push it through.


mustbethursday3 April 6 2013, 14:05:48 UTC
I agree with everything above (except the goodbye kiss stuff).

She came into the group with skillz, and sass, and no need to prove herself to anyone - and these days I forget she can do things because she's regulated to backup swords-person. Whenever Miles needs to go do something 'dangerous', she goes with, in case people attack (as usual) and he can't stab all 30 something of them because of physics...

But maybe this Miles pleasing version of Nora is why she broke up with him in the first place? Whenever she's available/interested, he could care less and she ends up overcompensating and accepting what little affection he'll allow her...and it's kind of pathetic and she's better than this we saw her better than this.

I almost want Nora to walk in on Miles being all hearts in eyes with Rachel so she can break free of whatever hold he has on her. But that'd be kind of cruel. But still. UGH. She's so frustrating.


corycides April 6 2013, 20:26:12 UTC
I'd love to see Nora spend more time with Charlie. At this point she's spent more time grown-up Charlie than Rachel has, so it would be nice to see that tension play out.

To be honest, anything at this point where she just gets to go off and be awesome with limited interaction with Miles.


penndragon April 6 2013, 16:01:36 UTC
I've been as frustrated as all hell with what they're doing to Nora. Daniella must be so much more patient than me, I would have groin stabbed a writer or two by now (I would have a very short career and a very long prison sentence :))

At this point I would kinda like it to turn out Nora was actually working for Monroe the whole time. I know it will never happen - and if it does, I totally called it :D - but I like to think she's been happily cockblocking Miles at every turn, and the whole 'Miles will save us' act is more about letting him train the rebels to be as rubbish as he obviously trained the militia to be.

I love Revolution, and I adore Miles, but watching everyone worship him is getting a bit draining. I swear, I'm not going to be the least bit surprised if we find out the tower of power is in Miles' pants :)


corycides April 6 2013, 20:38:05 UTC
I want her to hook up with Nicholas. Or the rebel commander. Or, not Jeremy - Miles might kill him.

It would just be nice if someone looked at Miles and went...well, the stabby, stabby choppy is great, but....the drinking and the misery and the only owning two shirts and one pair of boots isn't so much?


penndragon April 7 2013, 18:38:21 UTC
You would complain his feet smelled like a badger, and wait for him to fall asleep so you could cut his hair :)

Hooking up with the rebel commander would be good. I liked him. But I really did want him to look Miles up and down, 'General? Really? I think it's real cute you militia guys use military ranks...Almost like real soldiers.'


ivy_b April 6 2013, 21:47:28 UTC
I liked Nora in 1X2 and 1X3 (except for the baby story, because she's a woman so of course it's about her being a mom) because she was badass, had skills and wasn't here for Miles' BS. I think she suffered once they regrouped. Episode 4 she was pretty background, she was a dumbass in episode 5, had maybe 2 lines in episode 6... And then they get to her backstory episode and it was repetitive and boring. The writers clearly don't know what to do with her at this point or bothered to invest in her and it shows when in 1X9 they couldn't think of a hallucination for her, cause her sister was in the previous episode. Hello, how about her possibly dead dad? Or the dead mom blaming her for hiding under the bed and not saving her and then telling her sister to take a hike and never come back? If you couldn't think of something in her backstory that would be interesting to see, it's because you didn't care enough about her outside of a love interest for Miles to do something with ( ... )


corycides April 6 2013, 22:16:46 UTC
She's not idealistic like Charlie or a Matheson, she's not pragmatic like Rachel, she's not sarcastic like Miles and Aaron. Miles can sword fight as well, so there's really nothing about her that stands out and she tends to get swallowed up into the scenery.

This was one of the things that disappointed me when she came in. We basically ended up swapping Maggie - who was bad-ass in a different way to Miles - for Nora - who was bad-ass in a fairly similar way. It stripped away a lot of narrative conflict - I can't see Maggie agreeing with a lot of what Miles does and it would have been interesting to see her interact with Rachel.

(Ben doesn't interest me much as a character, but as a romantic pivot (?) I think it would be a lot more interesting. Both had reasons to feel they're in the right AND in the wrong.)

They've not given us a reason to care about her as a love interest (and I have a terrible fear we're going to find out her miscarried baby was sired by Miles for in-built plug-in angst) or anything else.


ivy_b April 8 2013, 12:25:48 UTC
This was one of the things that disappointed me when she came in. We basically ended up swapping Maggie - who was bad-ass in a different way to Miles - for Nora - who was bad-ass in a fairly similar way. It stripped away a lot of narrative conflict - I can't see Maggie agreeing with a lot of what Miles does and it would have been interesting to see her interact with Rachel.

I'd definitely take Maggie over Nora any day. Maggie could use a knife, but she wasn't an expert fighter, she used tricks and her smarts to get the better of people. Plus I would have loved to see the Maggie-Charlie-Rachel dynamic. Though I do think Maggie and Rachel are very similar in their pragmatic approach to things (and being science-based rather than fighters, though still nifty with a knife).

They've not given us a reason to care about her as a love interest (and I have a terrible fear we're going to find out her miscarried baby was sired by Miles for in-built plug-in angst) or anything else.I don't think the baby is Miles (she implied the douche ( ... )


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