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Comments 6

zerstoerte October 7 2005, 15:22:58 UTC
Shouldn't it be the other way around? *lol*
(Sweet on the outside, my ass.)

... )


naughtybat October 7 2005, 16:02:40 UTC
Man, you get the weirdest results! Although, you are pretty sweet on the outside, lol! ;)+
(But yeah, not hard in the middle! WTF does that mean, anyway? You have a gall stone?)

Dammit, now I want a caramel apple!


zerstoerte October 17 2005, 20:19:41 UTC
*lol* 'Gall stone'.


djfiggy October 7 2005, 15:36:41 UTC
Chez MacDo... haven't been there in a while. And I'm glad. :-)


naughtybat October 7 2005, 16:03:38 UTC
Well, if it's bad for me, I want it. That's the general rule.


djfiggy October 7 2005, 21:25:48 UTC
Chocolate, at least, is a nice opiate. Some of it cheered me up today... I can always count on Dennis to be handing out cookies he's supposed to be selling for cash.


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