I'm still pretty achey, but overall I'm ok. No lasting damage. I went to change lanes but had to swing back into my lane because somebody sped up when my tire blew out and I lost control. I hit the guard rail, no lasting damage to me or anyone else, but the car is almost certainly a total loss. I'll probably feel like shit for another day or two
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Comments 35
some plans at (more theologically liberal) catholic universities and hospitals cover birth control for any reason, elective or no - so I'm not sure your sister got coverage just because it was therapeutic or because any use was accepted. But most of those I've talked to make no distinction between uses or seem unaware of alternative uses. The whole discussion has seemed rather all or nothing - I can understand the Obama administration wanting to make it "all" under the interest of providing basic gynecological services. If an individual wants to violate their own church's teaching - the moral culpability isn't on the church for providing insurance that happens to cover hormonal medications any more than it's culpable for an addict going to a pain clinic.
As for the damned Catholic bishops, they just want to use government money to impose their so-called "values." I actually respect and accept most of those "values"; trouble is, they DON'T, because they're not willing to pay for them all on their own. They want government subsidies, but they're unwilling to go along with the secularist and atheistic values of the very government they want subsidies from. They're lying, paederastic hypocrites, for the most part.
Secondly, perhaps I should have said "pedaerastic-enabling," but from THAT charge I will not retreat by one iota. I have personal knowledge and familiarity with it. See nmsavanarola
They have been, in many cases, enablers of pedophiles. If you go back through my journal you will find I'm a Bostonian and actively protested the decision not to bring Cardinal Law up on charges. It's not that I particularly like these people, it's just that in this instance they happen to be right. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
I do like the rest of which you said...well, before you talked about Mubarak at stuff. About rights being absolutes, not subject to preferences. But 'right to practice one's religion' is thorny. Religious practices overstep human rights many times. If someone says "well, I think we should stone adulterers, that's my religious right" you really have to prioritize which are the rights that are more important.
All criminal penalties are a matter of law. Both Sharia and Torah law were legislating for both religion and for civil society. A modern civil society could adopt those legal traditions (though they rather clearly shouldn't), but the conflation of law with doctrine is a real problem, particularly in Islam.
Still praying for your injuries. =(
And yeah, this definitely goes to the Canadians, as so many contests do.
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