Nov 09, 2019 11:27
Can't believe I missed 4 days. I've been sick for two of them. Last time I wrote was 4000 words for Day Six. How have you been doing this week? Also I think we're into Hell Week now!
day seven,
day nine,
day six,
day eight
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Day 6, I wrote 1/3 on the train into London where I was working, 1/3 on the way out and the remainder at the flat. Day 7, it was 1/3 on the way in and 2/3 at the flat. Both days, I then had to take just over an hour making dinner as I am eating a lot of pulses.
Day 8 was an office day, so could write some at lunch and then the rest at the end of day. I did get distracted with trying to find the name of a brother of a Queen, and reading about the Thuringii.
Day 9 was a Flat day, so wrote it in the morning so I then could keep it open on what I did.
Next week is going to be tiring, with a demonstration (so no lunch time writing), training in a city up north for two days, followed by training in London and then Training in a city north of London. Although I think the following weeks will be more difficult.
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