Day Fifteen Word counts

Nov 15, 2011 09:37

We are at the halfway point of NaNoWriMo! Are you at 25K? Passed 25K? Because once you've reached that halfway point, the rest is smooth sailing from there. It's like potential energy ready to be released to kenetic energy ( Read more... )

day fifteen

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Comments 3

kibet November 15 2011, 21:39:51 UTC
1701 words for me today and still to pack for France. If I forget something I am blaming NaNo! :D


tinknevertalks November 16 2011, 00:14:01 UTC
3130 for today. Not bad... Pity I was home all day, and I'm still behind, but the margin is even smaller now, so maybe by this time tomorrow I'll be all caught up! :D


lorilann November 16 2011, 03:47:23 UTC
1379 words.


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