i'm getting a cold

Sep 20, 2004 17:25

well i was sitting here doing my latin homework, and i decided that i am going to write a story, that i would like to turn into a movie. its going to be fantasy and its going to be awesome just you wait ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

hippie_bullshit September 20 2004, 16:10:39 UTC
nancy that is awesome. yeah change happens... just go with the flow as long as it makes you happy... i sound like a frikin hippie... damn it

i love you


dirty_wop September 21 2004, 10:17:11 UTC
dude the hippie in you is what makes this world go round.

nancy, you're a beautiful young woman with a urinary tract the size of nevada. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHH. come visit me and emily. we'd like that. a little too much. but we would. i promise.


nancy_p September 21 2004, 12:18:38 UTC
gen i think i'm turning into a fucking hippie, im so pissed, but oh well.

and steve i love you too but you are so so so strange my friend and my urinary tract is not the size of nevada, its the size of texas steve texas


fried__chicken September 21 2004, 21:22:00 UTC
listen to me mcluken... i would love to road trip with you fall break! that would rock my face off! i am so excited to spend time with you and see how you are maturing into a sexual preditor.... i love you deary!


nancy_p September 22 2004, 13:18:34 UTC
hahaha i love you so much britt.... and i've always been a sexual preditor


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