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Comments 78

ashbet December 8 2012, 17:02:12 UTC
*wild applause* DAMN STRAIGHT.

One suggestion -- I have the same problem with cats knocking over cups of water (and/or STICKING THEIR POINTY LITTLE HEADS IN TO DRINK OUT OF THEM, I am LOOKING AT YOU, Bastian!!), and I've found that it works to keep a bottle of water on my bedside table instead. I just buy one bottle of water, and then re-fill the bottle from the tap until the bottle finally gives up the ghost in a month or so, at which point I'll buy another bottle of water. Having a LID on it helps a lot!


-- A <3


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:56:41 UTC
I'm so torn! Because I can use bottles, but the Very Old Cat has issues with the Asshole Cats who like to "play with her" when she tries to drink in the kitchen. And she's nervous anyway, so she just runs. So I let her drink from my cup. She's fantastic and never tips it. SMOOCH on the other hand, knocks it over EVERY TIME.

I figure I can deal with a damp arm of the couch, if this is the only way Sif will drink. She's Very Old, so it won't be trouble much longer, and I'll miss it someday, so . . . .

Now, in the bedroom? By the bed? I KEEP A BOTTLE. *lol* (Until I lose it, and have to wait to remember to save another one. But I try.)


ashbet December 8 2012, 20:07:28 UTC
Maybe have a bottle for you and a cup for Sif? :)

I'm getting a kitty drinking fountain for my birthday from Josh (because he knows the way to my heart is through my cats), because TinTin (divalea's kitty) is faster at getting to the sink than Zuul is -- and they're still working out dominance stuff (mostly stare-downs & occasional growling), but the sink is one of Zuul's greatest pleasures... so I'm hoping that the water fountain will keep them both happy, since it runs all the time & doesn't require a human to sit around in the bathroom until they're done drinking ;)




naamah_darling December 8 2012, 21:37:13 UTC
Akshuly, if it's not too much trouble, and you remember, lemme know how the fountain works out? Because I've been considering the same thing for our cats, and am reluctant to commit without actually talking to someone who has used one, and currently I don't know anyone.


fierynotes December 8 2012, 17:53:08 UTC
Permission to link?

"Some of us like shitty food. We find it comforting. It's filling. It's satisfying. It's sweet. It's got that slippery mouth-feel from all the fat that people love to scream and shit themselves about."

I know I've said this before, but we humans have these three little light bulbs that go off in our heads when we eat certain foods, labeled "salt," "fat," and "carbs." For most of human history, these little light bulbs have kept us alive, and it's pretty stupid that people insist that "willpower" is all it takes to resist food that is increasingly engineered to flash all three of these lights.

Also, have you seen Satter's Hierarchy of Food Needs? Put simply, if you're in a food desert, you're struggling to make the more basic needs, let alone the instrumental ones.

And in lighter news and only tangentially related, because you need to see this if you haven't already, have a fat woman who's an excellent dancerPS: I know I speak a lot of shit about certain corporations that put out crap food. It's probably ( ... )


terrie01 December 8 2012, 19:37:05 UTC
I love your final point. I try to limit myself to "I don't like their politics, or their food, and I hope people will go with other options if they have them" and leave it at that. But it's not my place to tell people what they should eat. Lord knows, I hate it when people try to do that to me.


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:45:40 UTC
You're fine, sugar. I know you well enough to know where you're not coming from. And I did love that piece you wrote about the light bulbs and the compulsion to keep pushing those buttons.

That pyramid is cool. I'm above "reliable access to food" right now, but just below it, there's "acceptable food" and that isn't a very stable layer for me. I don't have reliable access to "acceptable" food. Not even because it isn't there, but because I can't, personally, always get TO it. And part of that is not the food desert, part of that is me being fucking crazy and having issues coordinating that shit, but it's stupid to insist that similar factors aren't an issue for lots of people.

Must go investigate fat danger chick.

ETA: Should be "dancer," letting "fat danger chick" stand as Awesome Typo of the Day. Also, new handle.


fierynotes December 8 2012, 20:33:01 UTC
"Fat danger chick" sounds like one of those "Agents of Obesity" I wrote about lately. It is certainly a great typo, and Emma Frosting can be her sidekick.

And yeah, that post. I tried to touch on all the tools that corporations use to feed us cheaply, and how blame doesn't accomplish anything when that deck is so one-sided. Too bad it turned into a complete cluster-fuck...!


galiyah December 8 2012, 18:03:39 UTC
Mmmmm. Candle wax chocolate donuts. I like those.


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:50:30 UTC




terrie01 December 8 2012, 21:07:28 UTC
Hohos. God, how I love them.


louisadkins December 8 2012, 18:27:06 UTC
Bacon Cheeseburger with fries and a Coke, with a shake or frosty to chase it with. Butterscotch Krimpets. Fruity Pebbles cereal. Cookies and Cream ice cream.. I have no idea what you are talking about whatsoever.. nope! none, at all. *shiftyeyes*


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:52:01 UTC
I love to dip my friends in a vanilla shake and then eat them slowly.



naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:52:49 UTC


Putting my glasses on now.


louisadkins December 8 2012, 20:03:08 UTC
Aaws, *grins*


veedub December 8 2012, 18:44:13 UTC
sorry, but your excuses don't let you off the hook. if you can't get to the "good" store, surely you know at least one person with a car who is willing to take you shopping. or even go shopping for you.


emsporter December 8 2012, 18:51:41 UTC
Really? Really??!
Will said friend also have the money to buy the fruit & veg? And the time to prepare and cook it? And be liking to donate gas money? And fit in with naamah's schedule? Do you do this for a friend in need? Do you magically know Naamah's life better than she does?

Your comment is part of the problem. NO-one gets to judge someone else's living situation, finances, shopping, FOOD. None of your business, none of mine, none of anyone else's. Period.


fierynotes December 8 2012, 18:58:07 UTC
This gym-rat health-nut thinks you've completely missed the point.


naamah_darling December 8 2012, 19:34:28 UTC
For those who don't know you, coming from you, yes, that does actually mean something. You are pretty hardcore. (And yet sometimes manage to keep your head out of your ass. AMAZING HOW THAT WORKS.)


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