Appointment thing.

Aug 10, 2012 16:09

I am back from Planned Parenthood. And back from my nap. I posted briefly about it earlier, but it appears not to have propagated to Livejournal ( Read more... )

health, medical, doctor crap

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Comments 30

sheistheweather August 10 2012, 22:50:25 UTC
Oh, YAY! I'm so glad it went well, hon. So glad. *smiles*


labelleizzy August 10 2012, 22:52:19 UTC
the actual visit didn't suck AND you can go again as needed? this is so great to hear.



dragonet2 August 10 2012, 23:22:50 UTC
I am glad it went better than you hoped, and that all is basically well.

I had to have my cervix 'visualized' several years ago and they put something up there that looked like a big tube, which was totally awful. turns out I just have a mild displasia, non-specific and non-threatening (and apparently common in post-menopausal women). Since it shows up every time i get a pap smear, they didn't have to do the bad test again.

Yaay. Go you!


lizblackdog August 10 2012, 23:25:36 UTC
oh yay so glad that went well! \o/


snowcoma August 11 2012, 00:31:07 UTC
:D I'm so glad that it went well!

And my mothers joke is that "speculum" is latin for "old umbrella frame kept in freezer". XD


naamah_darling August 11 2012, 01:30:13 UTC

BAHAHAHAHA! Oh, god. Yes.


thediva_laments August 11 2012, 03:01:47 UTC
Your mother is my new hero. That's awesome. I just cackled.


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