I am glad it went better than you hoped, and that all is basically well.
I had to have my cervix 'visualized' several years ago and they put something up there that looked like a big tube, which was totally awful. turns out I just have a mild displasia, non-specific and non-threatening (and apparently common in post-menopausal women). Since it shows up every time i get a pap smear, they didn't have to do the bad test again.
Comments 30
I had to have my cervix 'visualized' several years ago and they put something up there that looked like a big tube, which was totally awful. turns out I just have a mild displasia, non-specific and non-threatening (and apparently common in post-menopausal women). Since it shows up every time i get a pap smear, they didn't have to do the bad test again.
Yaay. Go you!
And my mothers joke is that "speculum" is latin for "old umbrella frame kept in freezer". XD
BAHAHAHAHA! Oh, god. Yes.
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