The house behind ours burned to the supporting timbers last night at about 1:30. The flames took hold in minutes -- so fast, so incredibly fast
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Yeah, no wind, and no trees in our yard at all, so we felt pretty safe, but there were lots of trees around their house I was scared would catch, and the woods behind our house lead to a federal wetland, so it could've been really bad. Things have been real dry.
When I was a child, our next neighbor down the road (we lived on farms) lost his barn which was full of cows, pigs, and miscellaneous cats, mice, rats, and so on. The fire was set by an angry drunk who was pissed that the neighbor wouldn't get out of bed at 3 am to drive said drunk (who was on foot) 30 miles to some town he wanted to go to. Over half a mile away, the roar of flames woke us up. We could hear the screams of the animals. The neighbor was able to save three cows, catching his own hair on fire in the process before the firemen arrived and stopped him from going back in. Everything else was lost
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Acid would be completely understandable, but I'd settle for just a bullet. Shit like that is unforgivable. Appropriate that he wound up killing himself that way, though sad that he didn't manage it before doing such grievous harm.
Seven years ago (almost precisely, even), I was hanging out with friends, watching anime, when the fire alarm went off. We grabbed the cat, stuffed him into a carrier, and dashed out. Luckily, our friends lived just across the parking lot, so we hung out there while we waited for the fire department. We had seen smoke filling the hallway as we left, so we were quite certain it wasn't a malfunction
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Comments 45
Acid would be completely understandable, but I'd settle for just a bullet. Shit like that is unforgivable. Appropriate that he wound up killing himself that way, though sad that he didn't manage it before doing such grievous harm.
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