Original Poster: I'm tolerant of most opinions, but I just can't respect pro-lifers.
Me: Right there with you. But, then, why should I? They have no respect for me as a woman.
Random Person: Speaking as a pro-life woman over here - it's not that we have no respect for women. We just place a life, or potential for life, above comfort. Does that
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Comments 215
One stupid cow told me it is okay because a fetus is innocent, so it should be put first. I asked her if it would be okay to force people to give up their organs for small children, who surely must still be "innocent"... she avoided that question and basically told me what a misguided person I am and how I'm going to hell.
This may be the single most brilliant position I've come across in the complex world of arguing-with-morons. Also, they need to define "innocent" and at what point an individual goes from being "innocent" (i.e. superior to others) to "non-innocent" or "experienced" (i.e. inferior to the innocent and fair game for organ harvest/forced use of organs). I'm betting it's when kids stop being "cute" and start using sentences.
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It's not magical thinking -- it's metaphysical thinking. When one believes that human lives are sacred and inviolable because they have souls, and one believes that fetuses and embryos have souls, then destroying a fetus is morally equivalent to shooting a person in the face. This is why it's so difficult to change anti-choicers' minds on this issue. The root of their political belief has no basis in observable reality, so it does no good to offer them facts about embryos development and so on. You'd have to convince them that the soul enters the body at birth. And good luck with that.
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I knew a girl who had that attitude on one of the forums I frequented. Oddly, it was a board with a strong feminist slant. She was not very well liked until she learned not to step on people's feet (like posting she believed anybody who wasn't her brand of Christian wasn't "saved" for one... let's not touch the abortion issue, that was not pretty).
I don't have a problem with the people who call themselves "pro-life" in the sense that they would rather people not have abortions, but understand that it is sometimes necessary. And that it's none of their business to tell someone else what to do with their body.
The utter hypocrisy of most pro-lifers is what bugs the hell out of me (not that telling somebody else what to do with their body doesn't). Don't abort... but it's all on you if you do have the child. I've known parents that had to divorce so the mother could get welfare from the state to help care for the child, because no so-called pro-life church was willing to help them. For people that are supposedly so caring ( ... )
And it appears that Unruh lied about her own abortion, surprise, surprise. It looks like she left one relationship pregnant and aborted that fetus when she met a new man. But that's not the story she tells. It's really interesting. At one of her weddings, she was three months pregnant.
Frankly, if anybody needs to be having abortions, it's the scary freaky no choice people, because can't you just imagine how much they love those unwanted kids?
And also, why are they so fucking stupid? Ever tried arguing with one? "Birth control causes abortion!" "No, here's why not...." "WHORISH PROPAGANDA!" And so forth.
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