Movies I Never Want To See Again

Oct 18, 2007 17:28

Well, alainbriongloid asked me for a list of movies I never want to see again, and I couldn't resist the opportunity. So, I compiled a partial catalog of stuff I could go the rest of my life without seeing ever again ( Read more... )

movies, movie reviews, media, subliminal bees

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tattycat October 18 2007, 23:01:24 UTC
Saw III. *kri*

And I agree with so very many of the ones on your list, it's not even funny. Frx, I can watch The Ring, but only when it's daylight. Event Horizon, likewise.


stormcaller3801 October 19 2007, 14:34:52 UTC
Oh, I didn't meant to imply you thought otherwise. I was referring more to those people who've decided their only means to support themselves is to yell really loudly about how everyone else is a horrible, horrible human being and we're all going to hell due to the massive conspiracies out to corrupt us.


ladymairwen October 19 2007, 15:15:50 UTC
Oh, I know.

Those people you described? Are stupid. lol


amberkatt October 20 2007, 03:30:26 UTC
I watched Saw out of curiosity. It was creepy, and the Surprise Ending really did "get" me -- which was surprising because I can usually spot one of those a mile away -- but other than that it didn't make all that much of an impression on me. (Except for the severly twisted mindfuckery. That made an impression on me, as severly twisted mindfuckery.)

But I watched the second two Saw movies because at my Annual Weekend O' Perversion (aka Thunder In The Mountains), one of my favorite presenters did a workshop on using horror movies as a basis for BDSM scenes. And one of the examples he used was the Needle Pit from Saw II. (This guy is probably the most hardcore Sadistic Dominant player I've ever run across -- his workshops are notorious for having batches of the audience abrubtly Vacate The Premises mid-presentation. But he really knows his stuff.... I always learn something every time I go to one of his workshops. And there have also been workshops of his I would not get within 50 feet of the door to... lol ( ... )


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