To The Wolves

Feb 03, 2007 05:58

Thank you all for your testing and input on I'm still getting the hang of it ( Read more... )

wildlife, wolves

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Comments 57

nighthellcat February 3 2007, 14:45:03 UTC
*adds "letter writing" to her to-do list*


archanglrobriel February 3 2007, 15:08:25 UTC
That's an excellent letter and I just wanted you to know that I went to every link you provided, I wrote letters, I sent donations to the Defenders of Wildlife. Come Monday morning I'm planning to start making -calls-.
So many times we put things on our LiveJournals and we never know if anybody even reads them, much less takes them to heart and does anything about them so I wanted you to know that I read what you posted and I took action. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, too.


archanglrobriel February 3 2007, 15:53:08 UTC
Oh and count me in on the art auction to raise money, if you decide to go that route.


archanglrobriel February 3 2007, 16:07:04 UTC
And I hope you don't mind, but I quoted you in my own journal, passing along all this information to the people on my F-list. A lot of them are friend to the Wolves so I didn't think you'd mind. I mention in that post that you're thinking about holding an art auction since I have ten ton of artists on my F-list, and that if they want to contribute or would be a buyer in such an auction, they should let you know.
If -any- of this is a problem for you, just let me know and I'll edit the post. I didn't figure you'd mind my passing on the call to alarm, but I always check in with the author when I'm passing their work along.


naamah_darling February 3 2007, 22:12:09 UTC
Not a problem, and thanks!


siliconshaman February 3 2007, 15:38:32 UTC
Why, when they are reviled as devils, are we the ones exhibiting unconscionable behavior?

Because deep down, human are still these scared little marmoset-thingies freaked out by the glowing eyes in the darkness...
and because alpha males have to prove to the rest of the band that they're not scared of anything, really!

Amazing how supposedly civilized, evolved humans, still don't think at all, and just react on instinct.


naamah_darling February 3 2007, 22:16:24 UTC
Amazing how those of us, like me, who don't CLAIM to be civilized or more than animal, are the ones doing the most to prevent this kind of retarded crap.

We're too big for our britches as a species. Way too big.


siliconshaman February 3 2007, 22:37:49 UTC

I mean, 4 million years of evolution, 8,000+ years of civilization off&on, and this is as far as we've got? Man are we retarded as a species or what?!

Loooong ago thought that collectively the human race could do with taking down a peg or two...

now all we need is a species to do it... felix sapians perhaps?


sabr February 3 2007, 15:38:49 UTC
I, too, am going to help in any way that I can, and I thank you for your concern and your action and dedication to this. I would love to see your work, and am a interested buyer. I identify with the wolf as my spirit animal, and this entire makes me sick to think about it. How people can be so foolish and stupid, and get away with it.


naamah_darling February 3 2007, 22:18:57 UTC
Likewise. The wolf has been a guide for me since adolescence, and I can't justify sitting on my ass when the least I could do is sell some of my work to keep them from getting shot en masse.

Some people tithe to churches. I just figure I'll put my money where it'll do the most good.


plasticfucktard February 3 2007, 16:05:12 UTC
I wrote my letters. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I hope we can make a difference.


amazon_syren February 3 2007, 16:32:46 UTC
I'm sorry. I just noticed your icon. I like that dance, too. :-)


plasticfucktard February 13 2007, 04:04:22 UTC
Allison and Ivan were my favorite couple. I met them on the tour! It was great.


naamah_darling February 3 2007, 22:19:28 UTC
Thank you for writing. I hope we can, too.

And I mean that. I really have hope that this can be stopped, or at least alleviated.


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