Stupid Day.

Feb 03, 2006 16:04

For those of you who may be laboring under the misconception that I am some sort of genius, I offer the following account of my day ( Read more... )

stupidity, humor, vignettes, cats, mathurin

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flameelf February 3 2006, 22:29:46 UTC
While I LOVE the idea of a drive-by ejaculation *snickers*, this only goes to prove I think you and I live the same life at times. At least, when things go "Bung!!!!". This is how ALL my physical things at home tend to go.

I have to ask...are these LE decants different from the Lupercalia/Budding Moon/13 set we're getting soon? If so...gimme, gimme, gimme!!! (laughs) Have anything you want to trade? I don't have very many things I haven't shared with you yet, but there may be a few.

Did you ever get Jacob's Ladder? My mind is blanking right now...

Nechtan ;)


topknot February 4 2006, 09:07:17 UTC
Done. *g*

Oh, and on the subject of critter food?

When I was a kid, I had to sample each individually shaped (and flavoured) bit of Alpo. Likewise a lovely product that was known as "Dog Kisses." Looked like squashed Hershey's Kisses. They looked and smelled so interesting that I had to try one.

Foul, disgusting, vomit-inducing bit of bile, that.


naamah_darling February 4 2006, 18:50:57 UTC
I tried a chicken-flavored cat treat.


Tasted, and I am not kidding, like vomit. Sour, bitter puke. I was mad for three days about that one. (Mind you, this was done while I was an adult.)

I also, when I had a 104-degree fever as a small child, ate a dish of cat food because I thought I was a cat. Yeah. Crazy much?


topknot February 4 2006, 19:43:28 UTC
104?! Good lord, woman, little wonder you were loopy. I hallucinate big time if I get to that point.

I was a sadistic little bitch when I was a kid. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm a sadistic bitch now. At any rate, I somehow managed to convince my sister that she'd fallen out of favour in Pee & Em's eyes and would no longer be fed proper meals. So she should be fucking grateful for the bowl of dog food I graciously prepared for her. I'd also call her randomly from a friend's house and growl, "have you checked the children?" into the phone.

God only knows why she still speaks to me.

In happier news, were you able to reach Steve with CF Publications okay?


naamah_darling February 4 2006, 20:09:36 UTC
Haven't tried Steve yet (bizzy weekend), but when I get 'round to firing him an email, I'll let you know what he says. ;)

AHAHAHAHA!!! about the bowl of dog food.

And, yeah, I was hallucinating. I had scarlet fever (no shit), and was seeing crazy crap like birds and vines growing on the ceiling, giant crabs following the car, etc. The tropical fish section of the pet store was . . . really, really amazing (she hadn't yet figured out I was sick when she took me -- it came on really fast). I still have dreams about what it looked like. Just a sea of solid black with these neon-colored fish swimming around in it, and they all glowed. I was really, really fucked up for a couple days, there. Mom honestly thought I was going to die.

Thankfully, I survived without permanent brain damage.

We think.


topknot February 4 2006, 21:39:43 UTC
Thankfully, I survived without permanent brain damage.

We think.

You owe me a new monitor!


It's funny, I did more than my fair share of hallucinating back when I was a junkie. And even though it was oft times ungodly surreal and frightening, nothing came even close to the deeply disturbing visions I saw when I was hallucinating due to the flu.


naamah_darling February 4 2006, 23:36:43 UTC
Did you ever see that DreamWorks animated movie, Road to Eldorado? One of my favorites.

Anyway. I had a dream that Miguel and Tulio were chasing the horse around under my covers. This was when I had the Martian Death 'Flu back in 1999/2000.

Even when I tried acid, I never saw things that weren't there to begin with. Demented fever dreams are my specialty.


topknot February 4 2006, 23:38:49 UTC
Sadly no, I never did but I've heard from more than one reliable source that it's worth seeing so I expect I'll be purchasing it before too much longer.

Demented fever dreams? Or medication-induced smuttage?


naamah_darling February 5 2006, 08:06:24 UTC
>>I've heard from more than one reliable source that it's worth seeing

It is. The interplay between the two leads is hilarious. One of the best buddy movies I've ever seen.

And they're both hot. So. Yeah.

>>Demented fever dreams? Or medication-induced smuttage?



topknot February 5 2006, 17:52:19 UTC
I may just have to give that there flick a day in court, yeah?

I do love witty banter. Add hotness to the mix and I'm pretty much guaranteed to go all wobbly-kneed over it.

I will assume you've seen "Midnight Run." Talk about a movie that gives me tinglepants.



naamah_darling February 5 2006, 18:58:29 UTC
Oooh. No, I'll have to see that.


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