Commentfic meme!

Apr 28, 2009 06:37

I requested from leyenn and medie, so here goes! :)

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. If you absolutely can't write, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drawings or icons or ( Read more... )

the happy voyager project, meme, spark plug, fic, sgwun

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Comments 22

aj April 28 2009, 14:18:26 UTC
Janeway freaking Harry out! Barring that, anything glee!universe related. :D


mylittleredgirl April 28 2009, 18:26:04 UTC
Oh geez. I tried to do both and got carried away, lol. I exceeded my comment character length!


With the combination of genetic material from a subterranean species and, well, Neelix, Harry Kim probably should have expected Kes's children to be really, really good at Hide and Seek.

He didn't, however, expect that they'd be so good that he would actually lose one of them. He'd found Wex squeezed inside an equipment container in the aeroponics bay - he'd hidden there twice before, and was a bit of a creature of habit. Tuvok Jr. (technically just "Tuvok," and no relation at all to the Vulcan of the same name) had managed to sneak past B'Elanna and the entire Engineering team to hide under the Warp Core Diagnostic Terminal with none of the crewmen on duty being the wiser.

Lisen, the third Ocampa child in the trifecta and the only girl, was so good at Hide and Seek that she'd left her comm badge as a decoy in the shuttlebay, and now wasn't even showing up on internal sensors ( ... )


(cont'd... Harry, Janeway & the Happy Voyager Project Gleee!verse) mylittleredgirl April 28 2009, 18:26:50 UTC
"Captain!" Harry tried not to squeak, he was still so startled. He hadn't seen another person in these conduits yet, and he'd been here for almost forty minutes. "I had no idea you were down here!"

Janeway looked just as startled to see him, actually. And was she blushing? Did Janeway blush?

She didn't have any tools with her, so she wasn't fixing something (and why would she be doing such menial work in a non-emergency situation, anyway?). All she had was a PADD.

Janeway snatched the PADD towards her chest, but he caught sight of a header before it was out of sight. The Cowboy's Daughter. What could that possibly be? And why was she-

"As you were, Ensign," she said.

"Are you… reading in a Jeffries tube?" he asked. Was she reading a romance novel in a Jeffries' tube?

It was official now: Janeway did blush. In fact, it was distinctly unnerving ( ... )


The only thing that would make it better is if you gave me a neckrub while I read this. aj April 28 2009, 20:19:45 UTC
OMG. This is awesome on every level possible! HARRY! Hide and seek! Janeway reading a romance novel! The Cowboy's Daughter!!!! Tuvok being cranky! HARRY!!!! Just. *flails with delight*

I can't even come up with a snappy rejoinder bit of dialogue because my brain is still gleeing out! Although, I'd pay money to see the memo Harry puts together re: Lisen's security training. EEEE!


fallon_ash April 28 2009, 14:32:34 UTC
Wah! I don't know what I can ask for that you write... (I've already made you write Scully/Reyes, like, I think more than once)(mostly I just wanna steal the meme). Uh. You totally have Lois & Clark listed as a fandom. Something Lois/Clark-y, maybe? (Or Lois/hot lady?)


mylittleredgirl April 30 2009, 06:25:34 UTC


liminalliz April 28 2009, 14:47:40 UTC
OMG OMG OMG. Write me Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dax post-holosuite Camelot adventures!! If you throw in Kira/Odo angst for good measure, I'll love you forever.


mylittleredgirl May 3 2009, 23:49:38 UTC

amilyn April 28 2009, 14:48:06 UTC
Sam Carter! alone

(or, if you've been watching, Temerance Brennan, same prompt


Sam Carter / "alone" mylittleredgirl April 28 2009, 16:50:20 UTC
This probably isn't what you had in mind, but there you go. :)


Somehow, it made sense that the only time she'd been alone in what seemed like months would be because she fell down a hole.

"Management" at the SGC means more regular hours and less life-threatening danger, but it also means she's constantly training or reviewing or managing someone. She doesn't even have her own lab anymore. Home is no better - Brianna just got tall enough to turn doorknobs, so even the bathroom is no longer safe. If she goes to bed early to get an hour alone before Jack finishes watching the ballgame, the dog will faithfully follow her under the covers to keep her from going too long without a cold, damp nose against her skin ( ... )


Re: Sam Carter / "alone" amilyn April 28 2009, 16:57:50 UTC

And I so identify!

Thank you!


Re: Sam Carter / "alone" momm2five April 28 2009, 17:59:41 UTC
gotta love it . . . I need a hole . . .


spockette April 28 2009, 16:15:41 UTC
SPARKY. STUCK INNA TRANSPORTER. (i was stuck in an elevator today! for like, two minutes, but it was still scary! but it would've been hot and awesome had it been SPARKY OUT-MAKING.)

or, failing that, sam/rodney. yus.


mylittleredgirl May 28 2009, 05:54:13 UTC

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