to each his own is NOT a load of crap...

Jun 19, 2006 17:43

I think I'm getting used to having to deal with people. I used to hate everyone... why am I so laid back these days? I actually want to meet every one and not shut myself out for once. I'm so much more comfortable around people too. I feel more accepting of how people are as well. I think my passive aggressiveness has changed into full fledged ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

theemptyhours June 20 2006, 01:44:06 UTC
thats awesome that youre feeling awesome.

ps. i heard Texas is beautiful :)


my_last_serade June 20 2006, 13:17:46 UTC
It is, especially since I'll be down there in the fall/winter and not have to deal with snow. :)


cherence June 20 2006, 19:10:14 UTC
You just sound like your starting to live your life.


my_last_serade June 21 2006, 13:23:12 UTC
ok for a moment, I thought I sounded high or some thing. For a moment.


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