
Jun 26, 2014 21:16

Your Muse: Bucky Barnes
Muse wanted: Steve, Sam, Natasha, Fury, Tony Stark, castmates. Clara from Doctor Who, don't act like you don't know why.
Community: personal journals, smuttysws, bakerstreet (DW)
Fandom: That One Totally Unknown Movie That No One Has Heard Of.
Canon or AU: Canon
Book, Movie, Game or other: Film/Comic
PB: Canon
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[movie]: captain america

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Comments 43

numbedwithice June 27 2014, 05:52:01 UTC
I haven't made a Steve journal yet but I keep meaning to fix that. But yes hello I would like all the post-TWS Steve and Bucky please. With Steve slowly helping Bucky heal and regain his memories and tentative teasing each other as Bucky starts to get his mind back and Steve proudly showing him all the things he knows about the 21st century and living in Steve's shitty apartment in Brooklyn together and visiting the Smithsonian exhibit together every day while Steve patiently points out the members of the Howling Commandos while he watches Bucky's face work as he tries to remember

i need it

i need all of it


latence June 27 2014, 06:02:24 UTC

or everything, i dunno. there's no line. i can has steve.

There's so many, many interpretations of how movie!Bucky would really work, recovery wise. Slowly, quickly, how much of him remains the Soldier, how stable he is, etc. There's an inevitable degree of melodramatic nonsense, but I try not to make it too syrup-y ridiculous. I can temper it to how you feel would be the most dynamic for plottage, to a degree. I don't think the comics alone can really serve to interpret. I'm praying they don't bullshit gloss over it in the movies. HEY, SO STEVE FOUND HIM AT THE ZOO




... )


numbedwithice June 27 2014, 06:10:08 UTC
YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS POWAH -- no wait no that's the wrong Avenger sorry.

I very very firmly do not believe in insta-recovery Bucky I think that is -- dumb and glossing over it would be awful. I usually sort of think of it as -- Steve approaching a wild animal, in a way. Slowly, keeping his distance until he can see that Bucky is comfortable with his presence. Inching closer until Bucky looks like he might be able to talk to him.

Like -- Bucky appearing on the fire escape of Steve's building just to watch him for a while before running off again. Until Steve asks him to come inside one day and he says yes and they have coffee but don't talk and then Bucky leaves again.

And it's slow and it's painful but at least it's moving forward.

That sort of thing -- ? But that is also. Hard to plot so we can skip ahead a bit in the process or go from wherever I am the easiest of easies.


latence June 27 2014, 17:51:53 UTC
I've played him off a few Steves, and it's generally like that. I assume the first weeks, if not months after the film, he has an enormous paranoia of something getting him, mostly HYDRA, but any of the world's intelligence branches, and Steve as well. SebStan kind of confirmed some headcanon I had, which is that the Soldier is in a constant ADD, frenetic survival state. Everything looks like a collar.

So he'd definitely give a run that Sam and Steve could attempt to follow. Lots of bodies, lots of catching his breath, and keep going. I think he'd be sleepless (mine suffers sleep paralysis) and as he becomes more conscious, self destructive, and eventually that would wear down. When he gives up on this frustrated fuck all or die thing.

Then he might come looking for Steve. Because Steve is Guy Who Knows Things.

He likes to break into his apartment and go through his stuff.



os_for_the_win June 28 2014, 00:19:28 UTC
I promise I won't act like I don't know why.


latence June 28 2014, 00:26:32 UTC
I just like to pretend his gal was one of a million Clara versions.

In my head.

I have no shame.


os_for_the_win June 28 2014, 00:38:40 UTC
You're not alone, my friend! That was my instant headcanon the second I rewatched the film and noticed her in it. XD

I kinda like the idea of modern!Clara travelling to the 40s with the Doctor and OOPS. Sorry Doctor, kinda got myself a date with a hot American soldier! #YOLO


latence June 28 2014, 00:45:32 UTC
All that and more. Accidentally falling into dates at the wrong time and place.

I can play him at any canon point, so if you ever want a Bucky to take her dancing, he's around and about. I think, technically, their names were Connie and Bonnie (the blonde), but phooey, she can be Clara, or whatever. Out with the old.


improvetheworld June 28 2014, 04:19:43 UTC
Yeah, I have no idea who any of those people are. I wouldn't hold my breath or anything if you were hoping for any biters.


latence June 28 2014, 16:52:46 UTC
I should've known better than to dream big.


improvetheworld June 28 2014, 18:49:47 UTC
Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.

I mean, I guess if you need a consolation prize or something there's this guy here.


latence June 28 2014, 19:23:39 UTC
Not even what I wanted, tho.


ok i guess.

IDEK how they'd do a thing, but they should do a thing.


krasnirusski June 28 2014, 16:39:37 UTC
We already have some things going? Would you like to have more things going?

also are you degraces because i'm pretty sure you are


latence June 28 2014, 16:56:08 UTC
I'm fine with finishing out what we have, and seeing what comes from that. I like establishing more complex dynamics with 3+ muses, but around LJ, that may not be a possibility.

I am shamelessly every SebStan muse except that SebStan OC that was around for a few days, not me, and occasionally another. I have a very long muselist at DW, but around here I just toss these few around for shits n' giggles. Hate me, love me, throw hard boiled eggs.


krasnirusski June 28 2014, 17:03:50 UTC
I do most of my shit around DW too. I like it better there.

Also, I ask because I'm Asher's player and kinda recognized the style so hi there. And no hard boiled eggs will be thrown. Only love.


latence June 28 2014, 17:11:26 UTC
I def prefer bakerstreet, and the quality/quantity of players. Years ago, this was my base, so I linger for nostalgia.

Allo! There's a Michelle I owe tags back at DW, so you may see me around with Jack. I know there's a few other Jacks, as well, so I try to avoid stepping on their plotting. I rarely use the sixwords there.


chyornayavdova June 29 2014, 12:11:48 UTC
Confession: I've been threadstalking your Bucky something fierce. Nat's still in voice-test mode, but if you want her, she's all yours.


latence June 29 2014, 19:31:59 UTC
Good lord, I hope it wasn't too painful. Most of his sws stuff is crack, so. There's that. Most of his over word-y, efforted stuff is on smuttysws and journals.

Always take a Nat! I think she and Steve are the most important figures, as far as him coming back to himself, particularly if you're going with their comic history. There's a ton of gray area, as far as whether he recognized her on the bridge, etc. I tend to assume that he was made aware of her prior to the film as a significant threat and traitor to the homeland, etc. He feels very intensely about it, and her imagery, but doesn't have a source for those feelings. But once he's on his own, he starts to recollect some. Not all.


chyornayavdova June 29 2014, 20:07:17 UTC
I'm catching up on old comic history, and it makes the movie stuff more interesting. Love what you're playing with there, I can definitely work with that.

I've always figured she'd be the one to find him, post cap2.


latence June 29 2014, 21:24:32 UTC
Comic summary of the two, Bucky trained wee!Nat at the Red Room (the secret train-y...do bad stuff to good people hotspot), they fooled around between missions, on mission, around missions, the facility was like fuuuuck noooo, kicked the shit out of him, tossed him in cryo. He knew her as Natalia, and she called him James. Real casual, good times all around ( ... )


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