Moxie Crimefighter!!

Jan 24, 2008 20:35

I'm in San Francisco visiting one of my best friends, John. He and his girlfriend just got a new Australian Shepherd, currently 11 weeks old, which they named Moxie Crimefighter.* She is, without a doubt, the Cutest Dog Ever.

Presenting..... Moxie Crimefighter!!!

(Click here to see the video - I can't find the code to embed it.)

I'm stealing her when ( Read more... )

friends, pets

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Comments 8

brooklynite January 25 2008, 02:05:35 UTC
Penn's kid is actually Moxie CrimeFighter. The internal cap is the only thing I don't like about the name.


muse0fire January 25 2008, 02:12:55 UTC
Yeah, that's silly. Well at least now we know how to distinguish the dog from the daughter :-)


baldsug January 25 2008, 02:44:15 UTC
So, they live in San Francisco and have a dog that cute?
Okay, they win.


muse0fire January 25 2008, 02:57:59 UTC
Downtown San Fran. In a kick-ass loft. Oh yeah.


moxiegirl January 25 2008, 12:06:43 UTC
oh my god - that video is just made extra perfect by the Cake soundtrack. How awesome is that puppy? And of course, I absolutely approve of anything named Moxie. I think you should take it with you.
There was just a really funny piece in the boston globe on sunday about how hard it is to name a baby before you've met it - how a name like "Jayden" is totally generic and lame and the guy said he would honestly name his unborn child Moxie Crimefighter before he would name is Jayden. (he ended up naming it Mack, but that wasn't decided on until after it came out and seemed right)


elliedee January 25 2008, 17:41:14 UTC
You know, one of the first things you ever said to me was an unequivocal, "I don't like dogs."


elliedee January 25 2008, 17:41:37 UTC


muse0fire January 25 2008, 17:47:13 UTC
There are exceptions to every rule, but they are few and far between. For example, I ADORE my neighbor's dog, Kiti. And now I adore Moxie Crimefighter. So of all the dogs that I've met, there are now two exceptions.

Cats rule - dogs drool! :-D


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