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Comments 53

n_h_k May 24 2007, 16:30:23 UTC
apsidaqowialdh. now where should i start?

OH JIN <3 i wonder if i can survive too, if i were to go overseas. i'm actually scared of graduating you know, thinking of where i have to go next, what to study. so many 'grown up' things to consider. so frustrating and scary. ok i sound like a young spoilt brat. D:
But I applaud Jin's efforts. Its like he wants to come out of his comfort zone and grow up. Fly and see the world (:

k8 is such love. srsly. they;ve grown and stuck like complete barnacles. totally TOALLY stuck. At first, I only noticed Ryo. But they creep up on you slowly. i <3 drummer. hurhurhur

DDD: no more heroes. DDD:


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:56:24 UTC
I know.. It's not about being bratty lah. I guess it's a growing-up thing.. Money matters, especially. I'm not even graduating yet, but i'm beginning to feel the financial pressures of life. :(

But I applaud Jin's efforts. Its like he wants to come out of his comfort zone and grow up. Fly and see the world (:
*nods* ♥

HAHAHA that was what happened to me. I only paid attention to K8 for the sake of Ryo, but the rest just grows on you SO QUICKLY, GUHHHHHH~♥ *refuses to use strange, Huiminish terms like barnacles(ROFLOLOL) and creep up*

DDDDDDDDD: Season 2 needs to come more quickly.


n_h_k May 24 2007, 17:13:13 UTC
yea. & I hate how money matters so much. ): everyone, EVERYONE gets so upset whenever it comes to money D:
I'm not that young ok! lol. idk, but I have some friends (2 of them elder) who call me 'girl ah'. It's somehow strange cuz I nv thought of myself as that young. But I do act like a crazed person high on air sometimes, so. . .
HAHA. But its not like as though my life has been smooth sailing either.
now why am I telling YOU this?! o.0
OK. Maybe its the whole idek your face/nv met you kinda thing. Do you smtimes feel its easier to tell a stranger/acquaitance/someone you dont know that well stuff? LOL. I talk too much.

What you mean strange Huiminish terms?! LOL.
Mamoritai is on repeat ever since i got it a few nights ago.

I havent watched season finale yet. I kinda hate watching last epis ):
Like how I dont wanna read the coming Harry Potter cuz asidlhqoehi THATS THE END OF IT! DD':


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 17:37:53 UTC
Haha of cos i don't mean that you're childish or whatsoever, just young age-wise. Since you're on attachment now, I expect you to be learning alotta ugly work-related issus of life too. I think i was still fairly carefree at your age.. But recently it just keeps getting more and more real, this whole adult thing. DDDDDDD: Doesn't help that i've just turned 21.

Mamoritai is beautiful, and Tacchon sounds good on it. ♥ Hope you've seen the lyrics~

Watch the finale lah! Don't you want to know what happened to the explosion?! I can't stand being held in suspense, personally. D:


listaire May 24 2007, 18:50:49 UTC

I had no idea he had such a rough time in LA. I'm still glad he got that experience though, since it was important to him and he's learned a lot from it. I mean, most idols don't ever get to experience anything like that. Now he won't have regrets. He just needs to work at adjusting to work and his life in Japan again. I HAVE FAITH IN HIM.

But what is up with those eggs?! I mean, I think the eggs I've bought have all lasted until the exp date. OMG what kind of stores was he shopping at??? >< I'm so glad he didn't get food poisoning or something!


murasaki_five May 27 2007, 12:17:46 UTC
I had no idea he had such a rough time in LA. I'm still glad he got that experience though, since it was important to him and he's learned a lot from it. I mean, most idols don't ever get to experience anything like that. Now he won't have regrets. He just needs to work at adjusting to work and his life in Japan again. I HAVE FAITH IN HIM.
*nods!* I missed him while he was gone but now i'm just glad he got to go. (:

Are you from the States? I was confused by what he said too cos eggs here are totally fine, and i've always thought eggs just.. COME FRESH. Apparently fresh eggs are more difficult to get in the States. DDDDDD:

And your icon is so apt and so cute. /dies


listaire May 27 2007, 16:02:09 UTC
Yes, I'm from the US, but...I've never had problems with eggs before. O_o Ok so it's my mom that's buying them and not me, but I think how fresh it is depends on a lot of things. Like if you live in the city or out in the suburbs, and what stores you get it from. It's always better to get them in large supermarket chains than little grocery stores.

*pats crybaby Jin* XDDD


murasaki_five May 27 2007, 16:09:44 UTC
Someone was mentioning that maybe Jin could not afford fresher eggs ROFLROFL no i mean /CRIESSSSSSSSSSS along with Crybaby!Jin


jodyn May 25 2007, 01:11:25 UTC
Can I just take a moment to first GUUUUUUUH~ at Speed of Sound? ♥! As for new PV, well for me, it's not so much about budget but more the concept of the PV, I guess? Doesn't seem very yorokobi-ish to me. *shifty eyes* I was imagining more like the 3-D gang running across the field in Gokusen! *LOL* Having said that, I think I'd wait for the full thing. Because you know that we'll all still be lsdjflsjdflsj about it no matter what it looks like. ;p

I am WIN and Em is FAIL because I knew immediately that it was Jin. :D It's amazing how I'm touched by what he said no matter how many times or how many versions of translations that I've read. ♥ He forgot to mention about his Jinkachu and Goth Girls adventures.



murasaki_five May 27 2007, 12:26:18 UTC
Coldplay is awesome, can? ♥
Re YoroUta PV, can i just LOLLLLL at how everyone seemed to have pictured the boys running outdoors? XDDDD Across the field somemore LOL

*protects Jin* Jinkachu and Goth Girls never happened, okay? :@

ProDai spoilers, you mean? Not like you expected ANY episode not to be sad! :P


makuhita May 27 2007, 07:09:22 UTC
I'm sad too. Heroes is over. D:
Also thanks for the translation. ♥ It's good that he's back. It's good that everybody is gonna be back soon. Imagine the next year's Johnny countdown! Cool! XD

P.S: You must be broke from loving so many JE groups!! xD


murasaki_five May 27 2007, 12:29:01 UTC
Hope Uchi does get to attend next year's Countdown! ♥
P.S. Golden rule is, be selective in what you buy LOL
P.P.S. Ryo in your new icon is SO ROFL-WORTHY. /diessss


makuhita May 27 2007, 13:12:44 UTC
I love my new icon too! Haha~
I want to make more Ryo (XD) but the place where I did it seems like it's a paid-only website now... *is sad*
Follow that golden rule must be hard! I would really like to see your JE treasure goods!! Take a photo of it or something! xD


smallq May 28 2007, 07:30:27 UTC
Damn, Jin... -_- Such an earnest letter -_-
I actually have more to say - about 1000yen card sets, about KT PV too - but it all went out of my head as I reread the article.


murasaki_five May 28 2007, 10:15:49 UTC
LOL i like how he sounded so honest.


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