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Comments 53

abstraque May 23 2007, 21:58:58 UTC

- Oh, Jin. We already talked about this (including the wonky conversation about Jin's and Kame's bank accounts) but still... ;___ ( ... )


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:15:02 UTC
- I think it isn't as bad, after looking at the whole article. HE HAD GAS ALRIGHT. /nods
- Fangirls are seriously blinded by fandom LOL.. I think someone needs to remind us that 1000yen for 7 cards is not very sane after all.
- This PV reminded of Real Face too! And.. Signal as well. /dies I like it. So shiny and kakkoii~ *_*
- D: *suffering from withdrawal symptoms*
- Yeah actually i can understand.. Nothing changes (yet?) after every episode, and that's actually rather frustrating. For some viewers, at least. But i still love this drama like whoa. ♥
- I know. \:D/ WIN.
- Replying to comments point by point is TIRING.


renrui May 23 2007, 23:14:54 UTC
you made me cry at work DDDDD:

i think these days i'm easily brought to tears. but you highlighted the right part too -> "Isn't it sad how I'm only learning these things now? These are things deemed basic in the eyes of others, but somehow I just couldn't get them done." I hope that I have the strength to live faraway from my family as he did.

can't wait to get my Arashi DVDs :) *damn good souvenir for my first JE con live* and ProDai was a shitty waste of time because WE KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN D:D:D: shit, I'm a sucker for Pi.


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:27:27 UTC
DDDDD: It was Jin, not me! /spaz

Saw your entry. You'll be alright girl... Need to psych yourself up to be positive like +++++++++++! ♥ And anyway even if things didn't go smoothly or went wrong, Jin'd still learnt ALOT at the end of the day. Same would go for you.
Webcam! *lightbulb* My friend's studying in the States now, and he does it alot with his family here.

You're gonna love this DVD. ;)


candy_future May 23 2007, 23:21:20 UTC
AWW! JIN! ♥ ~ !

I've always wondered about people eating eggs raw. It just seems so unsanitary because it's the equivalent of eating meat raw for me. I guess I just assumed that eggs everywhere else are just as gross as American eggs XDD

It's hilarious that K8 doesn't even know how much their concert goods cost XD

I thought i heard Jun say “狼来了”("The wolf's coming!").. After scratching my head for a while, i realised he was saying “岚来了”("Arashi's here!")



murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:30:17 UTC
YES, the Japanese seem to love eating rice mixed in a raw egg. Kimi wa Petto was one of the first Jdramas i watched, and i was horrified by how the lady was always feeding Momo with it. D:


hirokura08 May 24 2007, 02:19:32 UTC
I though it was your experience that I was reading until I read the part that Nakamaru sent you a mail. *smacks head* stupid! lol!

I can't believe his only spending that much daily! Seriously, someone needs to talk to Johnny and increase these guys salary! Poor Jin =(

And as for K8, what do you expect! They're too honest with their opinions! And yes, their concert goods are just too expensive making everyone poor! Now, that they have an idea how expensive their stuff are, maybe they should try to think where all the money goes?!

I love watching Arsahi concerts too! I think i saw some DL links in the Arashi comm so i better dl it now XD And i know you can't resist and Dl the Korean and Japanese concert too XD

OMG ProDai is killing me! Subbers are so slow and I can't resist but watch it raw. I agree with you, Kenzo prease steal Rei already ok! They look so good together!


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:35:27 UTC

And i know you can't resist and Dl the Korean and Japanese concert too XD
*is dead* You know me too well.

ProDai - As the episodes go on.. We see Kenzo trying harder and harder, but it's just SO heartbreaking to watch cos no matter how hard he tried, the ending never changes. T___T Okay wait, i hope i didn't spoil you there. But it's not like you don't know that nothing ever changes at the end of the episodes!! DDD:
There're people who don't like the female lead, but like you, i really think the two of them are very cute together! ♥


hirokura08 May 25 2007, 02:50:33 UTC
Yeah! And i was thinking about poor Hannah eating raw eggs and starving herself. hahahahaha! She might get salmonella and get sick... my mind went that far!

Sometimes Kenzo gets really pathetic but it's still so sweet of him when he tries so hard ♥
Why don't they like her? She's better than Horikita Maki! ggrrr! just thinking that she will star with Shun and Toma makes me...*combusts* XDDD


emeree May 24 2007, 12:03:57 UTC
ROFL because it was only when I got up to the second paragraph and saw 'Narita airport' that I realised you weren't talking about yourself /spaz. I should know better with the gold font and all.. but wasn't thinking straight ma! :P But yes... I love the part about him completely blanking out at Sendai con, not knowing where to look or what to do - it seems very real ( ... )


murasaki_five May 24 2007, 16:47:06 UTC
ROFL ROFL ISN'T IT EASILY UNDERSTOODED? My friend only realised upon reaching the Nakamaru part. /SPAZZZZZZZZZZ

..Australian eggs aren't wonky? *-)

LOL I don't know.. K8 reaction made me feel stupid all of a sudden. Not like i bought any of those Ranger cards ROFL, but seriously, we just pay SO willingly for their overpriced goods! D: Fandom eats up our brains, somehow. DDD:

KAKKOII DESHO? So shiny lah! ♥ Though not very Yorokobiful.

I might get mine only next week too. So you're not gonna download? I was hoping to flail with you. D:
*goes to OTP instead*

PRODAI ;______________; I know the sensei looks good and is nerdy-cute and is totally nice and harmless, BUT UGHHHHHHHHHH~ GO AWAY-KUDASAI? /pray


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