whoo....christmas break is almost here. Praise God! I'm so done with alg 2...whooooo!!!!! Well today was really kinda of uneventful. The same ol' same ol', ya know how we do
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i'm so right with you on those waves girl. its killing me!!! if your not working saturday i think we're making a trip to matanzas w/ a couple of kids from fca. should be fun .... because well we all suck. haha. and they have better waves um...always. if its good are you in? it was fun seeing you today ... twice. haha gotta love random driving! we should do some random driving together
Leah i would love to go...but i have volleyball that morning and then work that afternoon..go figure. I would def have to say yes to the random driving...haha that would be fun. i really wish the waves in flagler would pick up or any waves anywhere in the area would be nice..lets shoot for next week...?
thats funny bout ur brother bc u said that all ur brother did was read and he had no friends really and stuff and now hes got girl at the hs cough cough kelly and in his i guess hes a PIMP lol goshi could never be black lol
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