Random Fandom

Apr 03, 2009 20:10

The kids have been watching Justice League a lot over the past few weeks, by their own request. We've been watching out of order, so this morning we watched "War World" and tonight we watched "In Blackest Night." I vaguely remembered that Kurtwood Smith did a voice in IBN, but I had not realized until just now that I actually expect every ( Read more... )

fanfic, eureka, dcau, girlchild

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Comments 13

kevenn April 4 2009, 02:27:28 UTC
I'm glad you mentioned Justice League. Can you give me a list of the figures you have - or a picture? I have more extra figures and was wondering if you guys would like to be their new home. :)

If you have time to do that, you can e-mail me the list/picture and your address, and they can begin their journey.

kevenn at gmail.com


mtgat April 4 2009, 02:44:38 UTC
:D I appreciate the offer, but honestly, the only ones I'm still looking for are from the (not yet released -- I think!) Batman Beyond three pack (Old Man Wayne, Terry and Warhawk) and the impossible to find Shayera without the mask. Any ideas where to find them?


kevenn April 4 2009, 16:20:13 UTC
Really? You're pretty much all caught up, then!

Ok: The Shayera figure - You're probably going to have to E-Bay that one. Although, there's a slight chance that she might be re-released later on with the white track suit, instead of the yellow track suit - but they haven't announced anything. They've said before that that 3-pack won't be re-released. Which likely means Ray, also, who came in that 3-pack.

The newest 3-packs, The Batman Beyond 3-pack with Old Bruce, Warhawk, and Batman Beyond was supposed to be in stores in "late March," according to Mattel. They had a factory making them in China, and the factory had issues - the factory owners took all the merchandise and ran. Some of those 3-packs have been showing up on E-Bay from Asia. Mattel is not happy. They had to find a new factory, but according to them, they should be hitting shelves any time now - including the 3-pack with Cheetah, Prison Lex Luthor, and the Shade.

Do you have Big Barda, Volcana, Deadshot, and Obsidian? Those are the only ones that I'm


mtgat April 4 2009, 16:29:27 UTC
Remember that I'm not as much of a completist as you are; if I can act out particular episodes I like, I'm good. ;)

Yeah, I had a bad feeling about the Shayera fig. The last I'd heard, the BB pack was coming out last Christmas, so it's good to know it's just late. I'll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks!

I don't have the others but I can keep an eye out at my stores and let you know if they show up. :)


mattzimmer April 4 2009, 10:53:39 UTC
Kurtwood Smith also voiced Agent Bennet in The Zeta Project and one episode of Batman Beyond. Good times.


mtgat April 4 2009, 23:13:30 UTC
I have got to pick up the Zeta DVDs. Haven't seen that show at all.


mattzimmer April 5 2009, 01:06:20 UTC
It's surprisingly good. And I say surprisingly only because of all of the unwarranted crap that got thrown at it and Static Shock on the Toon Zone DC Animation forum. I think you'd really dig the character of Ro, the girl who runs away with Zeta.


90scartoonman April 4 2009, 23:11:38 UTC
What do the kids react to most while watching Justice League? Why do they like it? Have they seen Teen Titans at all?


mtgat April 4 2009, 23:15:54 UTC
They're pretty much all about Supergirl and Superman. I can get them to watch other eps if I can describe them as fun enough. :) We used to watch Teen Titans but I never can catch it on CN anymore and we don't own it on DVD.


90scartoonman April 5 2009, 04:09:46 UTC
That's pretty awesome. I feel like I've completely lost touch with the opinions of anyone under the age of 16.


billa1 April 5 2009, 02:45:12 UTC
Okay...Take Two. Action!~~~~

You know, of course, that everything begins with "War World" and "In Darkest Night" and is Shayera at her most aggressiveness. There is a huge difference in the character after the invasion. *deep sigh* I missed the old Shayera. :)

If Girlchild is reading your stuff, she has a wonderful library to read which will give her great insights into some grand characters.

BTW, good luck with your 'unmasked' Shayera hunt. :)

~~~~And cut! Print! These moments aren't senior - they're ancient! :)


mtgat April 5 2009, 02:50:48 UTC
I know! But we've already watched Starcrossed and Wake the Dead and Ancient History. The kids are getting a very weird view of the show. I miss her too. We watched Terror Beyond tonight, and I was giddy at "Hawkgirl Smash!" Girl too. Boy was more concerned with Superman.

Turns out there are very few drabbles Girl can read. But it's fun!

Thanks for the leads in the hunt. ;)

*looks at fossils of moments*


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