Fannish Charity Thingy

Oct 04, 2007 23:00

Is posted. Thanks for your suggestions and links, and special thanks to everyone who let me ask questions. :D


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Comments 10

doeeyedbunny October 5 2007, 05:23:45 UTC
Very excellent article
(and I'm not saying that just cause you mentioned the Naugthy Nurses :-P )


mtgat October 5 2007, 20:56:21 UTC
:) How could I pass that up? Naughty Nurses ftw!


kevenn October 5 2007, 14:01:10 UTC
Nicely done! :)


mtgat October 5 2007, 20:57:05 UTC
Thanks! And thanks for letting me know about WW Day! I tried to get in touch with Andy Mangels, but he's out of town until Saturday. :/


rubynye October 5 2007, 19:55:41 UTC
This article is even better than I thought it would be.

*makes note to spread it far and wide*


mtgat October 5 2007, 20:57:44 UTC
*glee* I am glad you liked it!


kimberly_t October 7 2007, 21:30:49 UTC
Very well done! Must bookmark that page for future reference. Sooner or later someone at work is going to find out about my love for Gargoyles and other fandoms (the fridge magnets I decorated one drawer in my cubicle with are kind of a clue, y'know), and when I hear that inevitable "get a life", I'll just write down the webpage URL and tell them to get a clue.

Wish I'd been online when you were asking for input; the Beauty and the Beast fandom used to be very active in charities, and every con had a charity auction and sometimes a food drive too. I couldn't give specifics, because it's now been a full decade since my last B&B con, but I know some folks who could have. Oh well, the point is still made for fandom in general!


mtgat October 9 2007, 16:34:26 UTC
And I've never been active in that fandom at all, so I wouldn't know. If you do find a link or something, you can drop it in the comments. The more publicity for the fannish charities the better!


thatcrazycajun October 9 2007, 15:06:06 UTC
Thanks for sharing that link; I found it through a link from one of your f-list members' pages. I only wish the author had mentioned the annual "Bend Over Greek Sailor" collection Clam Chowder holds for DC's Children's Hospital every Thanksgiving weekend during the Darkover Grand Council convention. The past decade or so, they've enjoyed making administrators' jaws drop with the record amounts they collect (matched by the employer of the husband of one of the band's members dollar-for-dollar). More here.


mtgat October 9 2007, 16:32:53 UTC
Hey, you can always mention it in the comments to the article. Chat it up and throw in a link; you might get more people to drop by. :D

- the author


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