I read a total of 36 books this year - 32 new, 4 re-reads - which is slightly disappointing. For those of you who think that this is not a bad total, here is a graph to illustrate why I am slightly disappointed. New books are pink, re-reads are blue.
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Comments 19
Which Metamorphoses did you read? The Ted Hughes one/other?
Thank you also for the Melville encouragement! I hope to let you know what I think of it within the next year...
* as well as everything else I've resolved to do
You read Infinite Jest in 2009! This is an excellent reading achievement. On the reading more books thing, though, I've tended to pick a theme for a quarter (e.g. "read more classic sci-fi") when I've felt low on inspiration about what to read next, which helps with the feeling you get when you finish a book and have nothing specific lined up for afterwards.
Patrick Hamilton's The Bell is brilliant and remorselessly awful - I don't think I still have my copy of it, I had to get rid of it. It's horribly insightful about people who think they can write, but can't. It's the first of three novels stuck in one volume as Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky, and I could probably face the second one about now.
Did you know he wrote Rope?
because whaling is boring
Part of my concern here is that I found The Old Man And The Sea to be a bit too much about fish, and that has, what, 16 pages?
The Great Gatsby is definitely one of my favourite books ever too! Have you read Nabokov's King Queen Knave? Love that too...
I have yet to read any Iris Murdoch or AS Byatt.
Nope, not read King Queen Knave, thanks for the recommendation! Never sure which of Nabokov's translated novels to get, probably because I knew someone who was incredibly sniffy about most of them and I want to get "one of the good ones"
Obviously I'd recommend Iris Murdoch, but think you'd enjoy as well - The Black Prince is my favourite, and probably the best to start with as well. Vast melodrama in tiny lives is the general theme. They are also quite funny.
You also read The Drowned World this year, right? That was another of my favourites, that awesome reveal when you find out they are in London - sometimes when I think of Leicester Square I think of the Drowned World version rather than the one I know is actually there...
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