Drabble: The Morning After

Sep 30, 2007 20:44

Title: The Morning After
Rating: PG 13 (minor swearing)
Characters: Owen and OC from
dr_is_in 's fic 'The Right kind of Wrong', which can be found here
Spoilers: None, except obviously for
dr_is_in 's fic, though onli chapter 6.
Summary: After the events of Chapter 6, this is Owen's POV.
Drabble. Exact 100 words.

Owen yawned and rolled over, facing Kayla. Fast asleep and wrapped up tightly in the sheets; his purple sheets, her rose coloured lips slightly parted, breathing quiet and even, hair a mess; black strands trailed over her face, her shoulders and the rest spread out like a black halo on the pillow - she looked so beautiful and now looking, she did look like Jack. Her grin. Her eyes. Beautiful.
Just then the phone rang, bringing Owen out of his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID, his head falling back onto the pillow and groaning loudly. One word. Jack.

the right kind of wrong, fic, drabble, pov's, fic: pg 13, character: owen harper

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