Congrats on your new arrival! You are one lucky mamma. Two boys are the best for each other. My oldest boys have same age gap between just like yours. It's good difference. Now they 13 and 8th and can play, have fun and fight w each other =) I was following your JJ, but had no clue you're expecting a baby. So SO happy for you! Many best wishes to you and the baby, enjoy every sweet moment. P.S. I was looking at your prev. post you mentioned about co-sleeping w the baby. We had the same thing w all our 3 kids. And, frankly, I love it! It's the best thing (after nursing) I can do for my babies. They've been nursed until 2 y/o, never got sick, slept well and all other benefits you can add. My little girl turned 1 last month and she is not ready to graduate our bed yet =) I am working full time since she was 9 weeks, and cuddling w her at night is the best thing ever! P.P.S. Sorry for using English, it's faster from work computer ;) Good day to you.
Марина, я всё пропустила и только сейчас в ленте увидела новости про прибавление в вашем семействе. От всей души всех вас поздравляю! Прекрасный малышик. И два сына - это круто!!! (как мама двух мальчишек и говорю. Но всё равно ещё хочется дочу)))
очень трогательные и нежные:)и красивые мальчишки! дети умнее нас и мудрее, и если вы с мужем не делаете перекоса в чью-то сторону - я, в принципе, не сомневаюсь в вашей адекватности:) то и парни сами построят свои отношения, и думаю без ревности обойдутся!
Comments 19
I was following your JJ, but had no clue you're expecting a baby. So SO happy for you! Many best wishes to you and the baby, enjoy every sweet moment.
P.S. I was looking at your prev. post you mentioned about co-sleeping w the baby. We had the same thing w all our 3 kids. And, frankly, I love it! It's the best thing (after nursing) I can do for my babies. They've been nursed until 2 y/o, never got sick, slept well and all other benefits you can add. My little girl turned 1 last month and she is not ready to graduate our bed yet =) I am working full time since she was 9 weeks, and cuddling w her at night is the best thing ever!
P.P.S. Sorry for using English, it's faster from work computer ;) Good day to you.
Поздравляю с первым днем рождения доченьки! Всего ей самого светлого в жизни!
дети умнее нас и мудрее, и если вы с мужем не делаете перекоса в чью-то сторону - я, в принципе, не сомневаюсь в вашей адекватности:)
то и парни сами построят свои отношения, и думаю без ревности обойдутся!
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