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shapinglight November 10 2011, 11:13:16 UTC
Turns out, since the destructon of the seed, all the newly-sired vampires are "remotely possessed" by demons from other dimensions; this type of possession makes them more feral and ugly

I don't think that's what Willow meant at all. She meant that because of the seed being broken no vampire demons can come from another dimension to possess people and turn them into vampires, so when they rise from the dead they're mindless and feral.

Which makes no sense IMO. If's it's the demon that's animating the dead bodies, and the demon can't get here, why aren't those people just dead?


shapinglight November 10 2011, 19:19:16 UTC
Amusingly, Andrew Chambliss seems to have been asked to confirm theory A (moscow_watcher's interpretation) on Twitter but seems to have misunderstood the question and either confirmed theory B (yours) or is as hopelessly muddled as we are.


moscow_watcher November 10 2011, 20:45:58 UTC
Yes, it was a very strange reply:


Q.: Are the zompires created by remote possession instead of physical like normal vamps? Issue 3 read that way.

A.: yep, demons can't cross over to inhabit zompire bodies like they do with pre-seed vampires

Why can't demons relocate from dusted vampires into newly-sired ones? :)


shapinglight November 10 2011, 21:34:45 UTC
I suspect we're not supposed to overthink it.


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