Black Magic White Lies, chapter 19

Oct 05, 2009 12:18

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 19 - Buffy Cringes. Buffy Helps. (Well, She Mostly Cringes)
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Alternate BtVS season 5. Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little ( Read more... )


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Comments 24

xc_runner50 October 5 2009, 08:37:42 UTC
Well the unnamed baby is born but she might not live long with Glory right there. Great chapter.


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 08:50:58 UTC
Thank you!


draconin October 5 2009, 10:21:12 UTC
I'm waiting to see how Spike's ability to remember that Ben is Glory plays out this time around. :-)


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 13:56:25 UTC
Yes, it will definitely be a factor. I wonder if writers just forgot to explain why Spike could see what other characters couldn't; or they just hadn't enough screentime to insert an explanation. :)


angearia October 5 2009, 18:09:44 UTC
I think they just took it for granted that it was implied. He was a vampire and was the first to be able to detect the shift in the magics dropping around the spell to make everyone forget Glory's transformations. I think it's easy to come to the conclusion why as the only difference is that he's a vampire. They probably thought it wasn't important to explain why he could. Enough that he simply could and the audience could clearly guess why. No need to spell it out.


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 19:03:43 UTC
You may be right. Sometimes I wonder if the writers started to develop the mythology around Glory, Knights and monks, but realized that it may become too complex and distracting from the main arc. So they have left it to the audience to connect the dots.


sarian71 October 5 2009, 10:44:50 UTC
Okay, the baby is born and Glory arrived. We're into really serious business now!

Hee, loved the conversation between Buffy and Ben. Revelation after revelation about Faith's past, each one a bit more worse and weird than the previous one. Ben's reactions were priceless! :)


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 14:02:48 UTC
Thank you! Buffy needed to see everything that happened between her and Faith through the eyes of an uninitiated person.


mulder200 October 5 2009, 13:59:13 UTC
LOL! You can just see the looks of shock and bewilderment on Ben's face as Buffy explains her past with Faith. Complicated is a HUGE understatement here.

You know I was expecting Glory to show up but it was still a surprise. What is going to happen now? I can't wait to find out!

Does this mean the next chapter is the last one? Oh man! I looked forward to reading this story every Monday and I can't wait to see how it all ends.


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 14:25:48 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad I managed to surprise you. I'm mostly a "shipper writer"; shippy fics are usually pretty predictable, so I'm happy that I could do something not-so-predictable. Hopefully the ending won't disappoint you.


waddis October 5 2009, 16:16:04 UTC
The finale, eh?

Xander always did take care of things more quickly than Buffy.


moscow_watcher October 5 2009, 16:22:43 UTC
Yes - the characters have sorted out all the stuff that had to be sorted out, so it's time for a finale.

Xander always did take care of things more quickly than Buffy.

Heee! I agree, sometimes Buffy overcomplicates simple things... :)


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