Black Magic White Lies, chapter 18

Sep 28, 2009 10:41

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 18 - In Which "The" Lie Is Finally Set At Rest
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Alternate BtVS season 5. Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a ( Read more... )

bmwl, fanfic

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Comments 27

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moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 13:29:01 UTC
I wonder if the writers have deliberately left it open to create ambiguity. I vaguely remember that Joss had been asked about it and he wasn't holding it against Xander. Joss basically said what Spike says here.


mulder200 September 28 2009, 11:16:15 UTC
Another intense emotional chapter with a cliffhanger! I love it! Xander's decision to save his child is parallel to Buffy in canon to protect Dawn.

Buffy is in a hard spot and I do feel for her but Xander & Willow are right. The killing of an innocent child is not the way.

Still, is there a traitor amongst our heroes? This should be interesting.


moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 13:34:58 UTC
Thank you! Yes, it's a Xander-centric season 5 rewrire so it's Xander who faces the dilemmas Buffy faced in canon.

Buffy is in a hard spot and I do feel for her but Xander & Willow are right. The killing of an innocent child is not the way.

I agree. But some situations don't have cop-outs... *zips mouth*


mulder200 September 28 2009, 14:22:04 UTC

I agree. But some situations don't have cop-outs... *zips mouth*

True. Which begs the question of whether or not Xander will have the make the ultimate sacrifice to save his child.

Yes, it's a Xander-centric season 5 rewrire so it's Xander who faces the dilemmas Buffy faced in canon.

It's interesting to see Xander face the same moral problems Buffy did in canon.

I am so glad that authors like you are giving him more growth and insight than they did in canon.


waddis September 28 2009, 16:39:26 UTC
Very intense, and it's interesting to see where the different characters stand on the issue.

Oh, and Gregor's a jerk.


moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 17:23:06 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad I manage to keep your interest.

Oh, and Gregor's a jerk.

He's a soldier. I didn't want to demonize him. He doesn't like what he thinks has to be done - but he doesn't see other options.

Love your new Xander avatar! "huggles pink!Xander*


waddis September 28 2009, 18:13:51 UTC
That ain't Xander. That's me.


moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 18:36:48 UTC
Oops! Sorry! (Except I'm not sorry for huggling you! :)


sarian71 September 28 2009, 17:50:57 UTC
Oh, the tension... It just keeps on building! :)

Yes! They finally caught Xander's lie. The discussion that followed had a cathartic feel to it, especially for Buffy. She's harbored so many repressed feelings for so long, and now she had the chance to let some of it out.

I liked Spike in this chapter very much. He said all the right things to Buffy. And he was the one to bring up the extremely important human host thing, which got all of them on the right track again.

"You're right, Giles" she says slowly. "The magic I use is incredibly powerful. I'm incredibly powerful. And maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off."

Now, that was intense! I really, really like the idea that the monks are the reason behind Willow's powerful (and dangerous but helpful) magic skills. But Giles is right, magic is corrupting her. Willow should be very careful.

"There is an informer among you."

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)


moscow_watcher September 28 2009, 19:02:24 UTC
Thank you!

They finally caught Xander's lie. The discussion that followed had a cathartic feel to it, especially for Buffy. She's harbored so many repressed feelings for so long, and now she had the chance to let some of it out.

I always wanted to see Buffy and Xander talk about it honestly, without holding back. But I knew that they could do it only in an extreme situation.

I liked Spike in this chapter very much. He said all the right things to Buffy. And he was the one to bring up the extremely important human host thing, which got all of them on the right track again.

I think Spike is a pragmatist when it comes to survival - after all, he managed to stay undead for more that 100 years.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Next Mondeay. *smoochies*


brunettepet September 28 2009, 23:30:13 UTC
You built an unbelievable amount of tension among all the players, going back and forth about Buffy ending the baby's life. I understand that she wants to save the world, but Willow and Xander are right, sacrificing an innocent is not an option, and you know it's so when even Spike sides with Xander and Willow. Well, for a bit.

Spike's also clever enough to question demons about Glorificus' quick change. Too bad Ben is on his way before instigating the plan. I'm anxious to see what happens next.


moscow_watcher September 29 2009, 08:51:31 UTC
Thank you! I strived for a situation where everybody is right (a bit) and everybody is wrong (a bit) - like it often happens in RL. Yes, Spike is the most pragmatic mamber of the group - too bad he has the chip and can't twist Ben's neck... :)


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