Black Magic White Lies, chapter 13

Aug 24, 2009 07:08

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 13 - In Which Xander Finds Out About Giles' Secret
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a part of a big fat ( Read more... )


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Comments 25

waddis August 24 2009, 03:47:30 UTC
Responsibility doesn't necessarily mean murder.

Easily the best line I've read in a long time.


moscow_watcher August 24 2009, 03:54:20 UTC
Poor Anya, so confused in complicated human ways...

Thanks! :)


rebcake August 24 2009, 03:51:56 UTC
This is brilliant. All the little touches:

a) Anya's hilarious break-up speech
b) Giles AND Xander finding that they are suspected of having violent tendencies (How absurd. Right.)
c) Anya keeping up the "honeys" and "sweeties" even after she's lowered the boom
d) the argument about who Buffy would side with (Faith or the Council) and Anya's meta-y explanation

Just delightful. Of course, I also like the flirty Spuffyness skimming just along the surface.

A couple of possible edits:

now when he's goinges through such a difficult time

doing theyour duty and taking the responsibility


moscow_watcher August 24 2009, 14:35:03 UTC
Hey, honey!

I saw your comment when I was shutting down the computer, ready to run at the scheduled appointment, so I'm replying later and I had time to think about your comment. You know, Anya is one of my favorite characters, partly because I feel liberated when I write her. She speaks strangely, her speech patterns are a bit off. In other words, she speaks English like me and I can write her without torturing myself about nailing her voice, language-wise. As to Anya's ideas... well, I thought she might be confused about typically human stuff, yet very insightful about darker issues.

Anya's meta-y explanationFrankly, it's my own interpretation of Buffy/Faith stand-off in Grad Day - the first, the most visceral impression I had when I was watching the episode for the first time, was the castration subtext of the scene. Later, when I started reading reviews and meta, I was surprised that nobody but me interpreted the outcome of their fight that way. I wanted to mention it, and I quickly realized that I can talk about it only in ( ... )


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moscow_watcher August 24 2009, 15:11:10 UTC
Thank you!

Anya is the best! :)


mulder200 August 24 2009, 05:03:01 UTC
"Are dead bodies eligible too?" Spike asks, wiggling his brows. Buffy kicks him in the shins.

"Yes, Spike - you have a rare chance to grope two slayers at once," Anya deadpans.


I love how the dreaded confrontation with Anya turned out so anticlimax! She is just full of surprises, isn't she?

Oh! And I can't wait for next week's installment.


moscow_watcher August 24 2009, 15:26:30 UTC
Thank you!

the dreaded confrontation with Anya turned out so anticlimax!

...because the real climax will be about something totally different. :)

She is just full of surprises, isn't she?

Oh, I adore Anya, because she thinks very unconventionally and she is constant fun, even in the most serious situations.


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moscow_watcher August 24 2009, 15:37:16 UTC
You know, Farah, I'm eternally grateful to you that you made me pay more attention to Xander and Anya's aspect of the story. I found out they they're so interesting to write.

*ogles your avatar*


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