Yeah, I haven't thrown anything up on here in a while.
I've been busy, of sorts, with my juggling two (which my state now like to call them) 'critical infrastructure' jobs. So, I do apologize, in advance, for my early morning, incoherent chatter and crappy gaming skills like the casual that I am. :D
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Comments 4
Oh man, there's apparently tons of GameCube mods out there for WW (I wanna say "Link to the Past" is the most modded out of all the titles). And they're pretty cool when it comes to ideas about game-play, Zelda's modding community is a pretty chillax group.
Well, that is until Zelda's Speed Running community collides with them (seems they don't like each other too much).
I use my 360 controller for playing games on Steam, but for Nintendo games I stick to Nintendo controls. Goes double for BotW, a game that requires you use literally EVERY FREAKING BUTTON on the Joy-Con. I would WEEP trying to remap those controls.
Also, I second 1_intheshadows. That Solid Snake skin is crazy cute. 🥰
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