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Comments 6

dyvinesweetness April 20 2009, 19:41:54 UTC
"I told him I liked the spontaneity of action shots"

I think that's why I like your pics so much. In addition to just having a good eye for scenes you capture the moment well. And yeah, that can't be done with a posed picture. All my fave (online) pics of me were taken by you (excluding that evil photo >=[ )

"For that to work for me, though, I'd need a reason. A theme. I think I may have one..."

What is it?


moneda April 20 2009, 19:50:12 UTC
Right now I'd have to describe the idea as... an experiment in purposeful emasculation.


dyvinesweetness April 20 2009, 19:52:02 UTC
My interest has been piqued!


war4l April 20 2009, 20:04:21 UTC
You'd be surprised how many people don't need a reason to pose, especially girls.


ambienceman April 21 2009, 04:56:23 UTC
Haha, well yeah, I'll agree with Eb. You take great action shots, but I'd be curious to see what kind of things you could do with that eye if you were to plan your shots. I think the two ideals - having a good eye for motion and also that you generally have a good eye for subject matter - would work well in tandem.

Keep churning the idea, man. Surprise us!


moneda April 21 2009, 05:09:53 UTC
This idea may have me asking you to model for me. Thanks for the support. =)


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