Public Announcement

Mar 21, 2004 17:54

I am officially transfering all further livejournal updates toa different journal, nilorodwen. No longer will I be using mobby, not that I have been using it at all of late, but for future reference, all updates shall be made here, if I remember, which I will try to do ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

daethoniel March 21 2004, 21:08:08 UTC
nilorodwen's entries, (if they exist) are invisible. Will you be my friend? *sniffle whimper*


nilorodwen March 22 2004, 20:47:24 UTC
I'd be very happy to have you as a friend. *edits friend page* Voila! Do I get to be your friend too?

By the way, I like the new icon, I'd write a haiku but my mind has shut down for the evening.


_l10a23t88 April 13 2004, 19:35:28 UTC
hey this is u know...yay!


perlosborne_ash April 27 2004, 21:52:35 UTC
::cries:: I'm still not on your friends list! And I want to ask 3 questions! (For the other one, clearly, as I can post on this one. But not the other.) ::points to self:: Rachel Lee! Friend me!!!


nilorodwen April 28 2004, 04:26:02 UTC
I'm so sorry! I thought I had friended you, but I geuss that was one of those very realistic dreams. *edit edit* yay! there you go!


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