SPN VID: Hey Jude (Reverse Bang 2011)

Nov 25, 2011 21:11

Title: Hey Jude
Vidder: mithborien
Details: Supernatural | 0.55 | "Hey Jude" by The Beatles
Companion fic: Stone Road to Jericho by tesserae_

Take a sad song and make it better. My spn_reversebang entry. (John/Mary)

Watch: Vimeo (Password: heyjude)
Download: 10mb @ Sendpace + Megaupload )

Hey Jude from Thorien on Vimeo.

(Password: heyjude)

So, note to self, don't sign up for challenges unless you are super sure you will have the time to finish. And don't submit half done work for challenges because then you will definitely run out of time and no, adding effects and artistically cropping the vid won't make a difference.

So I think it's safe to say I like the theory of this vid, moreso than the execution.

vidding: supernatural, vidding: all my vids

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