Full Metal Alchemist, "Homecoming," Havoc/Roy, NC-17

Apr 06, 2006 08:46

For galuxkitty, lifeinahole27, and havocmangawip, whom I so cruelly tricked on April Fools' day, and to whom I promised fireplace!sex.

NC-17 for sex, sex, and more sex, with more plot than usual, but that's just because I was reading scribblemoose's Saint Beast stuff and its plot made me feel mediocre for writing nothing but mindless smut.

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roy, fanfiction, havoc's mom, havoc, nc-17, fma

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Comments 54

norwegianbandit April 6 2006, 15:28:49 UTC
BRILLIANT! BLOODY BRILLIANT! I'm a Roy/Ed person, but I like Havoc/Roy too. This fic rocks. Go you!

~ Norwegian Bandit


mistr3ssquickly April 6 2006, 15:33:41 UTC
Why thank you! ♥

I personally don't ship Roy/Ed much anymore because I see Roy as a total daddy-figure to Ed and Al, but I used to. I'm so very glad you liked this fic, and that you like this pairing!

Thank you for reading my stuff! ♥


alchemistjunkie April 6 2006, 15:39:09 UTC
*whimpers* That was so lovely. Thank you so much for being a great writer. :)
The delicate balance I always see between your Roy and Jean is gorgeous. They compliment each other completely. I also love Havoc's Mother in this story.
The whole plot was so sad, hot and good. The ending just tied it all up beautifully.


mistr3ssquickly April 6 2006, 16:42:54 UTC
I'm so glad you liked this story, hon! It thrills me beyond description that you like my writing style so much. ^_^

I love writing Roy and Jean because of the balance between them ... they're both still very powerful men who have a job to do, but they are good as lovers for each other's emotional health. I'm so glad you see that and like it.

Thank you for reading me, dear! *snugs*


chrstphrl April 6 2006, 15:53:42 UTC
I love you. This is just what i needed. Beautiful and sexy and hot and emotional. There just aren't enough adjectives to tell you how wonderful this is. *snuggles*


mistr3ssquickly April 6 2006, 16:44:11 UTC
Thank you, sweetheart. I'm so glad you liked this story.

*hugs* You should take the day off, or whack all of your coworkers with a boot. I guarantee either'll make you feel better! ^_~


chrstphrl April 6 2006, 20:37:20 UTC
I am playing hooky today actually. Had lunch with a friend and then bought Dvds (Brokeback Mountain and Howl's Moving Castle) and just generally fucked off. *sighs* It's been wonderful.


mistr3ssquickly April 7 2006, 07:45:09 UTC
Makes me so happy to hear that, hon. You needed the day off like whoa. *snugs* Some day, I'll get the courage to watch Brokeback Mountain. The short story on which it's based made me cry so hard, I've not yet watched the movie. Heard it was just as horrendously wonderful as the story.


momoiro_usagi April 6 2006, 15:55:41 UTC
wow! ^___^ excellent work, hun! I love the way you worked through the movie verse even if we're all better off not seeing it ;) and still turned it into something amazing! :) I'm also glad to see you back in the FMA fandom again! we missed you! ^____^


mistr3ssquickly April 6 2006, 16:45:29 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you liked it! The movie is most certainly the bane of my existence, although most of the time, I just pretend that IT DOESN'T EXIST. /snit.

I tried to give up on FMA, but it's like good crack. I'm totally addicted to it. Thank you for reading me, hon!


momoiro_usagi April 6 2006, 18:41:31 UTC
FMA is indeed like good, addictive crack. The trouble is, I have chaptered stories pending in various other fandoms that I just can't seem to finish while my mind is consumed with FMA. ;) he he!

As far as Naruto goes, the fandom is a scary, scary place...KakashixIruka, not so much. But as far as some of the other ships go...O.O just watch yourself, hun. ^_______^ lol!

ahhhh, the FMA movie....^^ have you ever seen "Shambala in five minutes" or maybe it was four minutes...O.o I'm just a little tired. Anyways, I think you might enjoy it! ;)


mistr3ssquickly April 7 2006, 07:55:35 UTC
I've tried writing arcs in other fandoms, and have had only mild success. FMA arcs knock down the door, come in and plop down on my sofa, and don't leave until they're satisfied that I've written enough. Something very odd about our fandom, really ...

Naruto ... yipes. I've seen some of the wank. It really is a terrifying fandom but Kakashi's hot enough that i'm willing to brave it.

Shambala in Five Minutes? I'll have to investigate that ...


havocmangawip April 6 2006, 17:10:48 UTC

Whee... that was worth the wait, and the trick. MMMM.... you do the sweetness that is Jean so well!


mistr3ssquickly April 6 2006, 17:47:37 UTC
^_^ I'm glad you liked it, hon! Jean really is a sweet little bird, and I love him.

Thanks for reading!


havocmangawip April 6 2006, 19:58:41 UTC
I love writing Jean... he really is a sweetie. Even with all the angst/drama in the fic I'm neck deep in he manages to shine through as the good natured guy that he is.


mistr3ssquickly April 7 2006, 07:57:37 UTC
Of all the 'tachi, Jean really is the best-hearted. He's just a loving, simple guy, and that aspect of his personality just fascinates me.


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