*dances* A little bit of professional stress and some mock-annoyed feedback go a long way to getting new sections of this story written, did you know? I am such a whore for comments ... ;_
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What is it about your comments that make fic happen? Seriously, it's so weird. I get a comment from you, and it's like the muse-tachi are all OOH LET'S BE TALKATIVE NOW and fic happens.
Dunno. Won't hear me complaining about it, though, that's for sure. :D So part six is written and posted which means I can now go through your comment. *rubs hands together*
The focus on time is, oddly enough, something you pointed out to me. He wanted to know what time it was in chapter 1 and you picked up on that, said you wondered why he wanted to know. Now, I still don't have any idea why he wants so badly to know what time it is, but he still does, apparently! *laughs* I swear I'm not the one writing this stuff ...
Mmm, I agree, Wright shouldn't be so hesitant to talk plainly to Apollo about how he now looks. There will be more of that, it's something I actually know something about! Nevermind that it's my arc and I should know more than I do. And yah, "more nights like the one he just went through" indeed. More to come, more to come
( ... )
Oh, just oh. Poor Mr. Wright having to describe how Apollo looked early on with the burns and how they currently look. That was so heart tugging that it makes me want to pet his head or something like that. I loved the artwork included at the bottom, and wow... damn but wow.
I have a soft-spot for Phoenix bigger than almost any other character in this series (Gumshoe gets the biggest soft-spot, holy stuffing I love that man). Probably why I decided that he'd be the one Apollo would ask about his burns, rather than Klavier, who would dance around the issue.
*hugs your heart* And yes, thank you for feeding the muses. They were desperately in need of it when I woke this morning. ♥
Comments 4
Dunno. Won't hear me complaining about it, though, that's for sure. :D So part six is written and posted which means I can now go through your comment. *rubs hands together*
The focus on time is, oddly enough, something you pointed out to me. He wanted to know what time it was in chapter 1 and you picked up on that, said you wondered why he wanted to know. Now, I still don't have any idea why he wants so badly to know what time it is, but he still does, apparently! *laughs* I swear I'm not the one writing this stuff ...
Mmm, I agree, Wright shouldn't be so hesitant to talk plainly to Apollo about how he now looks. There will be more of that, it's something I actually know something about! Nevermind that it's my arc and I should know more than I do. And yah, "more nights like the one he just went through" indeed. More to come, more to come ( ... )
p.s. is that enough to feed your muses?
*hugs your heart* And yes, thank you for feeding the muses. They were desperately in need of it when I woke this morning. ♥
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