The ending reminds me of a short story where some monks bought a computer to find out the name of God, so they could call upon him and mans quest in this world would be complete.
The computer techs that had sold them the computer were laughing about it, until one of them calculated them time it would take to generate all posible names in 'gods language.'
About 5 minutes ago.
They looked up in horror and saw that the stars were going out... one by one.
This brings back memories of a Neal Shusterman short story called Dawn Terminator, it's highly recommended reading. Nothing scared me that much as a tyke.
Comments 75
The ending reminds me of a short story where some monks bought a computer to find out the name of God, so they could call upon him and mans quest in this world would be complete.
The computer techs that had sold them the computer were laughing about it, until one of them calculated them time it would take to generate all posible names in 'gods language.'
About 5 minutes ago.
They looked up in horror and saw that the stars were going out... one by one.
Man, I would like to see that, the stars going out one by one.
the last line was awesome - "and overhead, without any fuss, the stars were silently going out", or something brilliantly understated like that.
I had it narrowed down to Sheckley or Clarke, because it didn't strike me as an Asimov story.
Lets face it, they don't write like they used to anymore in sci-fi.
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