Continuing Season Seven's homage to B movies, this week was a positive Grindhouse delight! And the writers definitely put the Slash into Pulp Fiction as Sam and Dean took on the roles of killer couples Pumpkin and Honeybun, Mickey and Mallory, and the eponymous Mr and Mrs Smith.
And because i am a movie nerd I have spliced the scenes together with the originals, using safety scissors and glue.
I didn't include it, but
the promo for the episode was a direct take off of the trailer for
See also
Supernatural meets Kill Bill Click to view
I might upload some of the movies that are obviously gonna get a run this season, as like Season 6's noir reference, there's just so much more to enjoy if you know the genre and get the references.
ETA: Okay Jim Michaels just tweeted me that he thought it was well done. I'll just be over here grinning.
ETTA: for those who can't view the YT version here it is
watch on megavideo or download - minus my insightful and witty annotations ;D