Prompt #57: Warm

May 07, 2011 22:20

Title: Quiet
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Warm
Words: 148
Rating: T
Summary: CU. Sango learns to appreciate the still moments amongst the mayhem.

Breath crystallized in the icy air, swirling and mingling.

It was always the quiet moments. Those brief pauses in the chaos her life had become treasures, each one polished tenderly by Miroku. They sparkled.

Sango felt her cheeks flush, bemused that something as simple as Miroku clasping her hands could heat her blood like that. She would have speculated that his audacious fondling would have rendered her incapable of blushing at something so innocent. In the quiet moments, the touches they shared were something more. Hand holding was surprisingly intimate.

He brought her hands to his lips and breathed over her cold hands, warming them. And her heart. This was the Miroku that slowly wore down the wall around her heart. One brick at a time.

His smile was indulgent, tender, gentle. Her smile was slower in coming, timid and a little uncomfortable but it simply dazzled Miroku.

#57 - warm, winner, length - drabble, author: aimee_blue

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