3 Months and Counting. The Daybreak Rage is Still Strong With This One.

Jun 15, 2009 09:37

Quick thought.

Someone requested that I vid Kara to a Shiny Toy Guns song I'd never heard before and I adore the song and think it's perfect so I took on the challenge and began compiling clips last night and I'm embarrassed to admit that Kara Thrace's story arc when seen as a whole still makes my eyes hot and I feel suspiciously as if I might still ( Read more... )

starbuck, musings, battlestar

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Comments 71

rayruz June 15 2009, 15:02:27 UTC
That is why we have fanfiction. :)


justascrewup2 June 15 2009, 15:10:21 UTC
Amen sister. Amen.


rayruz June 15 2009, 15:11:56 UTC
Your icon speaks truth


mintenergy June 15 2009, 15:11:41 UTC
True and well said. I still think RDM is an asshat though.


justascrewup2 June 15 2009, 15:16:41 UTC
Well obviously RDM was never much of a Kara fan. She had a horrible childhood, never quite fit in, only really belonged with Lee, was tormented by crazy visions, and then RDM killed her. And then she came back from the dead, did all the hard dirty work to get them to Earth, saw what she'd be missing with Lee and then *poof*. But somehow Roslin gets to live to see them to Earth and even Baltar gets to ride off into the sunset with a happy ending. We were totally robbed!


mintenergy June 15 2009, 15:23:35 UTC
Exactly what I was just responding to Baka about.

I think it's the lack of love the writers had for their own creation that still disturbs me at this late date.

But somehow Roslin gets to live to see them to Earth and even Baltar gets to ride off into the sunset with a happy ending. We were totally robbed!

So true, bb. I guess we weren't given the memo to show up on the day fans were given out happy endings for their favorite characters.


kategirasole June 15 2009, 15:18:12 UTC
Ugh, I feel the same way. Even now, three months later, I'm still angry when I think of the finale. All that buildup and character development for a POOF?!? Seriously? I'm excited for the rewatch that workerbee73 is planning, but I really don't know if I'll be able to rewatch season 4 at all. I might just have to stop at season 3 and then go off into fic land. Sigh.


mintenergy June 15 2009, 15:32:44 UTC
That's actually one of the reasons I posted this. All this Kara story clip watching has made me realize I'm not going to be able to re-watch late season 3-4.5 for a very long time. Even the earlier seasons make me so sad when I think of the wasted potential. No rewatch for me I'm afraid.


workerbee73 June 15 2009, 18:58:54 UTC
Dudes, that's why we've only planned through S2. Neither cosette nor I can deal with going past that point yet....


mintenergy June 15 2009, 19:35:10 UTC
I didn't know ya'll hadn't planned past season 2. For some reason I thought ya'll were going through 3 and then possibly 4.0. I seem to like to make stuff like that up though lol Don't mind me.


shefcat June 15 2009, 15:21:18 UTC
You go girl! I am right there with you...

I'm still upset that no matter what she did or how she tried to improve herself, her life or her relationships, it didn't matter a damn, because it all came down to some frakked up destiny BS.

So rant away. You have a lot of company out there....


mintenergy June 15 2009, 15:35:38 UTC
Thanks, bb!

I feel very redundant/foolish these days that I still need to go off about this once in a while but dammit I loved her! She deserved better than the writers not knowing what do do with her. What kind of reason is that to screw over one of your main leads?

I'm still upset that no matter what she did or how she tried to improve herself, her life or her relationships, it didn't matter a damn, because it all came down to some frakked up destiny BS.

It's so messed up, right? *sigh*


callmeonetrack June 15 2009, 15:38:15 UTC
This is why I was so ragey for days after the finale. Even more than the disappointment that they did not pay off the relationship with Lee in any way at all that was emotionally satisfying or deserving of their history, or even, you know, logical. I was so upset that she was left with nothing in the end. She was so, so sad in that field. I didn't see any relief or happiness for her at all. She didn't know what she was or where she'd be going. She wasn't safe at the end. :(


mintenergy June 15 2009, 15:43:33 UTC
She didn't know what she was or where she'd be going. She wasn't safe at the end.

That is the saddest written line concerning Kara Thrace that I've ever seen. Tara! I'm trying not to tear up.

S'ok though. Everything you've said here was the straight up truth.


callmeonetrack June 15 2009, 15:48:24 UTC
Sniff. I was very weepy for a few days after I got over my initial rage. Then the weepy receded and the rage returned. Rage is easier. Starbuck knows.


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