Fic: Butterfly, Dreaming

May 11, 2006 13:40

Butterfly, Dreaming
by minnow_53

Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling and various corporations.
Pairings: Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, Ron/Hermione implied.
Rating: PG
Genre: AU
Era: April 1998
Summary: Sirius POV: Harry is in a coma and not expected to survive.
Thanks: To astra_argentea for the beta.
Warnings: Not happy R/S fluff. Check out the ( Read more... )

angst, au

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Comments 159

remeciel May 11 2006, 06:33:18 UTC
Wow. First things, first, it's one of the best Au fics I've ever read. And the last paragraph! *wails* *cries*
I really like teh way you describe characters' expressions, teh way they react to each other. Well done, well done, and again, well done. :)


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 07:42:52 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! ♥ That's such a lovely first comment, and I've been able to edit my warning now... :)

I'm really glad you liked it.



remeciel May 11 2006, 10:39:32 UTC
Oh yeah, I saw the warning, too. *lol*


miasedai May 11 2006, 06:51:19 UTC
and even Lily’s love can’t work miracles

That one line had me blubbering.

This is one truly remarkable AU. The reality of it is so harsh, and in a way it broke my illusion of magic. This sounds so sad, but it wasn't, really. It was more of a wake-up call, in a way. Showing reality through characters and settings we normally associate with fantasy and magic made the 'real world' just that much more real.

Amazing fic, and I'm normally not one for AUs, so that's saying something.

Thank you.


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 07:47:25 UTC
Thank you very much for a wonderful comment. ♥ I like to think that magic universe is going on around and underneath the story, and possibly is the real world, if that makes sense. It was quite a challenge to keep it realistic after such a long time writing in JKR's magic universe.

I'm just really delighted you enjoyed it, and thanks again for the lovely feedback.



miasedai May 11 2006, 08:08:55 UTC
It definitely makes sense. I read a fic a bit like it a while ago, and ever since this theme of "is this real, or is it just a dream" has been playing in my head. And yeah, the magical world is a big part of this, in that you draw the paralells so wonderfully. You keep expecting someone to mention the way or spells, and the absence of magic makes its presence all that much stronger.


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 08:21:28 UTC
...and the absence of magic makes its presence all that much stronger.

I'm so glad to hear that! I really wanted to keep a sense of everything being a bit off-centre for a Harry Potter fic.



magnetic_pole May 11 2006, 07:47:40 UTC
This isn't a proper review, because I'm working and *not* reading fic and therefore unable to comment as I should, but this was amazing. It walks the fine line between commenting on the characters and the world we already know and creating a new world with its own logic and motivations. Really well done. And it made me think about my own versions of the R-S-J-P-L relationship, which sounds self-centered and awful and not like a compliment at all, but which is the thing I like best in a story. Brava! Maggie


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 07:52:17 UTC
Thank you very much! ♥ It seems like a proper review to me: much better than my monosyllabic feedback. *g* I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

And it made me think about my own versions of the R-S-J-P-L relationship, which sounds self-centered and awful and not like a compliment at all, but which is the thing I like best in a story.

That doesn't sound self-centred at all: one of the points of reading fic is to compare and contrast all the many versions of characters and relationships with our own. I do take it as a compliment, and many thanks, again. :)



archon_mentha May 11 2006, 08:06:24 UTC
Wow - there is so much to this, I'm not even sure where to start...

The thing I love most were the hints - so very subtle - about the magical world, and that maybe Harry was having nightmares about Voldemort in his coma I did wonder - hope - for a minute that the story would go there, because the real universe was so very sad. Which just made it so much more powerful when it didn't.

Another odd detail that just hit me - hehe - Molly's Range Rover and horrible driving. I can SO picture that!

This is an utterly fantastic story.


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 08:26:00 UTC
That's a fantastic comment! ♥ Thank you very much.

I like to think that Harry was dreaming the books -- and I was hoping he'd keep on until the end of Book 7 -- and also I wasn't sure whether this wasn't a false universe and the magic one was real. If that makes sense! But I suppose it's really a return to earth, sadly.

It's great you liked Molly's Range Rover! I never thought I'd have fun with Molly, but I did. She was a lot more sympathetic in the final draft than she was at first, so I decided that maybe she does have something going for her after all.



fleshdress May 11 2006, 09:34:31 UTC
Well that was both emotionally demanding and intriguing. It took me a while to get my bearings in there, but it was so worth it. Fascinating stuff. :)


minnow_53 May 11 2006, 10:14:20 UTC
Thank you very much for reading and commenting! ♥ I was aiming to cut out as much exposition as possible so it would seem like coming into the middle of a story then going out again: a bit unfair, I know. But I'm really happy you found it worthwhile.



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