Liza isn't expecting this place when she stumbles in, hauling a bucket of water in each hand. She is covered in snow and squinting against the wind that she just came in out of, blinking against the sudden brightness
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Ben looks up from her reading, smiling to the girl. "Hi, how are you. Cold out there?"
He will not wait for replies, stopping a waitrat and asking for tea, before moving closer. Not too close. "Need a hand dusting off the snow? And you should take a seat by the fireplace."
She's a little cautious, but gives him a polite look as she brushes the snow off and takes off her coat. Her sweater has definitely seen better days, but it's warm and thick.
"Thank you, BenWinchester, I'm Liza. I'm...this is only the second time I've ever been here. I wasn't expecting it, either time."
"Tea would be very welcome. I haven't had time for anything today in my rush to get the chores done before the snow gets too deep. The snow started early this morning, and it looks like it's going to turn into a blizzard before it's done."
"You must not be where I'm from. We don't have schools where I live. I thought I was coming back into my house with the water. I still don't understand what happens to it all when this place shows up, but it worked last time."
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He will not wait for replies, stopping a waitrat and asking for tea, before moving closer. Not too close. "Need a hand dusting off the snow? And you should take a seat by the fireplace."
"Oh, I am Ben Winchester." He winks and grins.
"Thank you, BenWinchester, I'm Liza. I'm...this is only the second time I've ever been here. I wasn't expecting it, either time."
"Milliways does that to people, appearing when you least expect. Would you like some tea?"
"Are you okay?" Duck asks.
"I didn't expect to end up here. I didn't, last time, either."
"I never know when I'm gonna get here . . . the first time I really just thought I'd gotten lost in the school and found a whole part I didn't know!"
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