[I would! that'd be fun actually. Lots of fun. Matt is...up either way as long as the guy doesn't eat him. And he's got shields! so Wells secret is safe!]
The tightly focused cold blue fury that characterised Wells' thoughts when he entered the Bar earlier has dissipated somewhat. He's still angry as hell, but he's been out on the target range; that always calms him down.
Under-Secretary Drayson, you have more than I ever thought possible to answer for.
He rests a hand on the Bar top. "Pint of Bass, please. Thanks, mate."
Matt hasn't touched his hot chocolate, but the bagel is almost gone.
...No Matt. Remember, you weren't gonna start listening to people's conversations? As much as that helped him.
It takes a hell of alot of focus to keep Wells from sounding almost as loud as an amp. Or if the guy were standing next to him. Besides, drinking this early in the day?
or maybe it's not early for this guy-maybe-
Matt shakes his head and offers his hot chocolate in salute, "-Five O' Clock somewhere right?"
"Six, more like," says Wells. "I'm in from London. Five hours later than your East Coast."
He knows an American accent when he hears it, after all. As for his own- well. When Harry Wells gets angry it can go one of two ways with his speech. It can get thick and heavy with curse words, the sort of thing to put Keanu Reeves' "Constantine" imitation to shame- or it can get very careful, very precise.
Wells doesn't trust himself enough right now to let go of the reins on his tongue; he might lose his grip on something else if he did that. So it's the second one for him at the moment.
Matt knows English accents from Movies, and if you were to ask him about Constantine he'd probably only know the movie and balk if he knew it were a comicbook.
As it is however, he grins, "...Lucky SOBs huh?" He could've seriously used some Alcohol last night, but it probably would've made his headache worse, "...I'm still not clear how time works here."
He pauses, "-Irish Coffee might be more appropriate since it seems to be morning, but who am I to fault people for drinking at any point in time?"
Matt eyes the wall again. No. Not going to get a bead on wells. Nope.
Vendetta- that's the green girl perched a couple stools down- is no stranger to Bar's pranks. Of course she's generally done something to deserve it.
Today, however, she's quite contentedly munching on her clams and grape punch, while her fiends (small and round again, but this time with knives and somewhat smaller teeth) have appropriated the beef jerky.
Content, that is, until Matt begins his pleading with bar.
"You -shut up! Bar does. not. care." And more importantly, "I! do not care!"
Him? What's so important about him? Vendetta tells everyone what to do. It's the Bulgarian accent. It makes people take notice. Or perhaps it's the fact that she's green. No matter...
You heard me. "I said you are stupid" And noisy. But mostly stupid.
There's a wolf padding his way down the steps beside another wolf, this one smaller. The two of them nose about towards the backdoor for a moment before Garion sees Matt. At this point, the larger of the two pads over to him. Wolf trails after
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Under-Secretary Drayson, you have more than I ever thought possible to answer for.
He rests a hand on the Bar top. "Pint of Bass, please. Thanks, mate."
...No Matt. Remember, you weren't gonna start listening to people's conversations? As much as that helped him.
It takes a hell of alot of focus to keep Wells from sounding almost as loud as an amp. Or if the guy were standing next to him. Besides, drinking this early in the day?
or maybe it's not early for this guy-maybe-
Matt shakes his head and offers his hot chocolate in salute, "-Five O' Clock somewhere right?"
He knows an American accent when he hears it, after all. As for his own- well. When Harry Wells gets angry it can go one of two ways with his speech. It can get thick and heavy with curse words, the sort of thing to put Keanu Reeves' "Constantine" imitation to shame- or it can get very careful, very precise.
Wells doesn't trust himself enough right now to let go of the reins on his tongue; he might lose his grip on something else if he did that. So it's the second one for him at the moment.
Matt knows English accents from Movies, and if you were to ask him about Constantine he'd probably only know the movie and balk if he knew it were a comicbook.
As it is however, he grins, "...Lucky SOBs huh?" He could've seriously used some Alcohol last night, but it probably would've made his headache worse, "...I'm still not clear how time works here."
He pauses, "-Irish Coffee might be more appropriate since it seems to be morning, but who am I to fault people for drinking at any point in time?"
Matt eyes the wall again. No. Not going to get a bead on wells. Nope.
Today, however, she's quite contentedly munching on her clams and grape punch, while her fiends (small and round again, but this time with knives and somewhat smaller teeth) have appropriated the beef jerky.
Content, that is, until Matt begins his pleading with bar.
"You -shut up! Bar does. not. care."
And more importantly, "I! do not care!"
"...Excuse me?"
Scary little kid telling him what to do?
Matt takes a sip of his hot chocolate, "...What did you say?"
You heard me. "I said you are stupid"
And noisy.
But mostly stupid.
"And my fiends do NOT like to be interrupted."
Matt is too taken aback to say much right now, "...It's not nice to call people stupid kid."
Bad day?
"...Bad week." Matt eyes his hot chocolate and bagel, "...Bad life."
He laughs long and loud, "...Oh man. Yeah. Um-oh man."
Feeling good? Feeling Good!
"....I guess so. I dunno. It was a bad week up until yesterday."
More Hot Chocolate. It's good.
Although her mind is giggling (to go with her mischievous little grin), so it might not work.
Totally hasn't seen april yet.
Don't know why she's in such a good mood, but it's nice.
She calms herself down a little and resumes her kitten-like stalking of her psychic cop. (Yes, hers. She's adopted him, remember?)
Hot chocolate is good.
He peers around. Thank goodness band-candy hasn't done anything to his shields!
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