List five songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words or if they're any good. They just have to be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artist and the song in your blog along with your five songs. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening
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Comments 7
Winter is a beautiful Tori song... Z put it on a mixed CD for me and I instantly fell in love with it. And great choice with the Ben Lee such a catchy song!
I don't think I'm familiar with the other three : P
Hope things are going well in MikeyZoo residence : )
MikeyZoo residence is going well! Apart from the odd cockroach or ten, we're doing well **pulls out Raid gun** As it turns out, living with a chick doesn't mean that you get no space in the bathroom cabinet - alas I have almost double the amount of products in the medicine cabinet as the lovely Z. And yes, I do have moisturiser and cleanser **such a fruit**
The DanShrine is not up yet but I'm sure once we get a-decorating he will be watching over us like the good obedient 12 year old boy that he is ;)
How's life going these days?
Looking forward to seeing the place and the DanShrine once it's all decorated. Apparently I may get to see it in a couple of weeks when I'm there for Mess Hall on the 24th : )
Life's going better, or my ability to cope with it has improved, thank you for asking *hugs*
Hope life is being good to you : )
Did dri tell you about the 25th? Vid night on the 25th at my/our place. I shan't be with you on the 24th as I have a black tie event for work *gah*, though if all went to my plan I'd get another job and get out of it.
Which is my answer to life being good - s'all good, just need to get new work.
I'm really glad life, or your ability to cope, has improved. Always a light at the end of the tunnel *hugs*
*waves threatening finger*
WHEN ARE WE GOING TO MEEETT UP??? I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU FOR AAAAAAGGGESSS! *wails, whines and generally woo-woos*
WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO COME OVER AND SEE THE NEW PLACE??? Come over for dinner some time soon. Invite yourself over if you like. If you want to, you and Z can do your Thursday night dinner here. Otherwise, you must come over some time within the next week.
*hugs the wailing woo-woo*
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