
Dec 27, 2011 17:34

[She spends most of the day out by the orchard-- sitting on the cottage roof, actually, staring out across the snow-covered orchard, wind whipping her hair into her face.  Not that she's noticed.  Nami isn't exactly sulking brooding, but... the events of yesterday have brought back home the sort of situation they're in.  Gilded or not, a prison is ( Read more... )

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[Voice] mikangirl December 27 2011, 09:48:05 UTC
Really? [...she doesn't know Link well, so her next question sounds hesitant.]

Home's...not a good place?


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[Voice] mikangirl December 27 2011, 10:23:52 UTC

Yeah, I like a lot of the people here. I can understand that.


[ voice ] etudism December 27 2011, 10:16:47 UTC
I'd like to go home with everyone, so.. it would be a good thing if everyone could go home, right?


[ voice ] mikangirl December 27 2011, 10:44:00 UTC
[Normally Nami'd take heart at that response, but the way it's phrased...]

You'd think so. Are you new to Luceti?


[ voice ] etudism December 27 2011, 13:53:55 UTC
I've been here since.. [ it actually takes her a few moments to think of when exactly. ]

... November.

Does that mean I'm new..?


[ voice ] mikangirl December 28 2011, 13:44:59 UTC
Well, pretty new. But you've already weathered one experiment, right?

Luceti's home to a lot of people from a lot of times and places. Some of them aren't actually ... alive at home, anymore.


[Voice] derek_bliss December 27 2011, 12:32:23 UTC
[Derek is another person who takes some time before he answers.]

No. It's not my place to make that decision for other people. Especially when in some cases, they might not be able to have that chance at a choice.


[Voice] mikangirl December 28 2011, 03:35:20 UTC
...yeah. I know what you mean.


[Voice] rollypolyclover December 27 2011, 13:11:43 UTC
[This is more or less an instant answer as soon as Nami has finished speaking--]

Yup! Everyone go home, everyone be happy, okay? No more problems and everything will be fine that way! Everyone else should want to go home too!


[Voice] mikangirl December 28 2011, 03:34:42 UTC
[Fff so cheerful. @_@ but you're a kid. Uh. Hmm.]

Sounds like a plan. What's your name?


[Voice] rollypolyclover December 28 2011, 13:33:01 UTC
The best plan, right? I'm Yotsuba! Yot-su-bah, like that. Try not to forget it, but Yotsuba won't hate you if you do. Everyone forgets stuff!

[Oh wait, there's a long pause as she considers what she just said.]

Except elephants. They never forget. So what's your name?!


[Voice] mikangirl December 28 2011, 13:48:37 UTC
I'm Nami. It's nice to meet you, Yotsuba. And don't worry, I won't forget your name. Even if I'm not an elephant.


[Voice] justonename December 27 2011, 13:16:51 UTC
But everything here is free, why would that have a price?

[Anyway the kid thinks about it in his own twisted way.]

I would! Because many people here want to go back but can't. I don't want to go back but I was coming here anyway, and there are always people arriving, right? So coming back here is easier than going back home. If others like me really want to return here I'm sure we will come back in no time!

[See? perfect solution ever.]


[Voice] mikangirl December 28 2011, 03:32:40 UTC
[That's...an interesting way of looking at it. If she followed it right. WHY SO CONFUSING, GOKU.]

So you think that people turn up here because they want to, then?

[Yeah okay, you lost her a little |D]


[Voice] justonename December 28 2011, 13:26:59 UTC
Hmmm, maybe!

I didn't want to come to Luceti, Luceti, but I wanted to go to another world away from Heavens. So maybe everyone wanted that too? Or they thought at least once it would be nice to see other worlds, or something. And then BAM!! They end here, but maybe they aren't even conscious they wanted it?

Maybe they just wanted to see new things or dreamed with having adventures far away, so everyone thinks that they didn't want to come here and hate it here. Because they don't realize it.


[Voice] mikangirl December 28 2011, 13:50:22 UTC
It's a nice theory. I'd like to believe it, but I'm not sure I can given we have the Malnosso and their experiments to contend with. I'm pretty sure nobody ever wanted that.


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